
Sunday, December 6, 2009

One Year

A lot of things can change in a year. In fact, a lot of things can change in one single day. One year ago on Dec. 6, 2008 Justin asked me to become his wife. To make his hand in marriage. To begin the rest of our lives together, as one. To make a comittment to love each other- through thickness and thin, sickness and health, for richer or poorer, til' death do us part.

I said yes. Without hestiation. I know a lot of people think we are young, which is reflective in the couples I see from high school getting divorced not even lasting five years. Others think we are stupid, explaining that marriage is over-rated and just a piece of paper that means nothing in our society. Some are extremely happy, including myself, for a couple to travel through life together hand-in-hand, heart-in-heart.

In one year, my father was placed in situation where he saved his wife's life. He donated his kidney to her on July 29, 2009. We saw her health failing as she sunk into kidney failure from her diabetes. I will never forget the day I found her helpless in the bathroom and I had to administer a shot that would blast up her sugar and bring her make to conciousness. Nothing scared me more in my life than seeing her like that, so lifeless. Now, my dad is short a kidney and my step mother has three kidneys. They are both healthy, but that was an event during 2009 that really shaped my outlook on life. I try to focus on people instead of things. I can to smile more and complain less.

My grandpa got cancer last year. He had surgery to remove his kidney and the cancer during finals week. I couldn't focus on the test I was taking when he went into surgery that morning. I wanted to answer cancer and hope for every answer. He is doing well now and is in remission. Another blessing.

My sister had another baby boy, Landen Dewayne Skinner. A beautiful little boy who makes my heart melt when I see him and nose want to fall off when he eats too much. I still have a lot of work and practice before Justin and I can have children.

One year seemed to pass as fast as one week. I don't know where the time is going and I hear it goes faster with age; however, I am hopeful for my future. I look forward to starting a new chapter of my life in May.

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