
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lighten Up

I think now, more than ever, people are so uptight. Sorry, but I find myself wanting to tell people at least five times a day to "lighten up."

Justin and I went to a Pacer's game on Wednesday night. I had to work, but I got my shift covered. He won the tickets from a drawing at his work. We had great seats, just 19 rows up from center court.

I was having a blast with Justin. I actually kind of felt special walking down to the court instead of up where I would have sat otherwise. The people next to us knew someone Justin worked with and they were really fun. The guy actually went to high school with one of the players on the Grizzlies and knew another guy from his high school that played in NFL, who was sitting in row one.

The seats in front of us were open, until the Northface Family of 2009 walked down and sat in front of us. The "American Family" consisiting of mom, dad, one male child, and one female child. UGG boots included. Here is where the story really begins.

My fiance is funny. The guy next me to was funny. My friends were up in the nose bleed sections stalking me and asking if I enjoyed the popcorn I was shoveling in my face. The answer was yes, but of course I laughed. And guess what? My laugh is loud.

I guess the mom didn't like my loud laugh. She turned around and looked up at me and covered her ears after I laughed. I didn't see this happen. Thankfully. But the guy I just met noticed this occur. He saw her shitty face and did something that made me love him forever, even though I don't know his name. Well, I think it was Scott? Who knows? Anyway, he leaned forward and blasted a machine gun laugh so loud that Ashley Bedwell was proud. Then the little boy grabbed his ears and looked at his mom like we stole his hotdog and blood was pouring out of both ears, damaing his $200 fleece jacket.

The happy family got up and left. They left a sporting event because we were laughing loud. If someone can't be loud at a sporting event, where the heck can they be loud? People are yelling the whole time. The music at timeouts and halftime shows is loud. The drunk guy cussing at the ref was loud. But I laughed. Scott laughed. They left.

Lighten up.

I would bet that your living room has a televsion. And guess what? You can control the volume from your couch. So perhaps instead of spending $125 a piece on tickets to a loud sporting event, you should consider being a debbie downer and staying at home. Or simply get over yourself.

Let people smile. Let people laugh. Let people be themselves. As long as they aren't running around naked or causing you physical harm. Then you can leave.

Much love,


  1. Great blog, Ashley! I find myself tuning in a lot. You have a great author's voice that comes out when you write. I feel like I was there or that you're telling the story to me in person!


  2. Thanks Audrey! :) Writing is a passion and I gave it a back seat for while in college, but now I'm reminded of how much I love it. I love telling stories and writing -- so writing in this blog is not only thearpy, but fun! :) Glad you are reading. Keep coming back! Have a great new year.
