
Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Pressing Question, Answered

Every single day, I get asked the same question. Often, multiple times a day.

"So, how are the wedding plans coming along?"

From the bottom of my heart, I understand that people probably care. They are interested in what we are doing. Or maybe they are just trying to start a conversation.

But really, the question stresses me out. We aren't made of money, so thinking about the wedding causes a financial meltdown for me. Justin does a good job now and our parents are helping out as much as possible, but we are doing everything as cheap as possible. I don't mind being cheap either. I don't want to begin the rest of our lives together with $30,000 in debt for ONE day.

On top of that, my main focus right now is school. And between work and family and Justin and Bandit and searching for jobs and updating my resume and working out; I just don't have the time to sit around and think about the wedding plans all day.

And really, its about the marriage. At the end of the day, it won't matter if we served lobster or fried chicken. It won't matter if our colors were marine blue or baby blue. It won't matter if we had white roses or yellow roses. What matters is understanding that the importance of this day: my commitment to Justin. Our marriage. Our future. Our love.

So here is EVERYTHING that I can think of that we have done:

- The wedding date is set: May 15, 2010

- The ceremony is at Justin's church, First English Lutheran in Richmond, Ind. and will PROBABLY start at 3:30 (maybe 2:30)

-The reception will immediately follow at Elk's Country Club in Richmond, Ind.

- The bridesmaid dresses are ordered--- here is a link:

- The flowers are so THANKFULLY being done by Justin's Aunt. We will definitely be having white roses and some of them are dipped in the Marine blue color. She did a great job on my bouquet and I trust her with all my heart.

-Our party favors are ordered, both for the reception and rehearsal dinner

- I have my dress and after 12 months I paid it off ---- no it didn't cost $1,000--- it was $400 and I LOVE it --- its simple :)

- Our DJ is a married couple who does the middle school and high school dances in Richmond

- Our cake will be a cupcake wedding cake in a square setup-- I tasted them with Jeanie and
they ROCK!!

- Our theme is the Dallas Cowboys

- Our photographer is Joe Huber, who does amazing work, and he is bringing a friend. So we will have two photographers there to capture our amazing day together. Thank you again Joe for being a part of our special day.

- I have no clue what the center pieces will be like, but I'm not worried

- We don't have a caterer booked yet; however, we think we have a lead that will cut us an AMAZING deal

- We don't know for sure what hotel, but we will be getting a block of rooms discounted for our guests travelling from out of town

-We have a wedding Web site:

-Justin and his groomsmen don't have their tuxes yet

-We don't have our scriptures picked out, but we have two beautiful ladies ready to read: Gina Grant and Amanda Strickler :)

- We start marriage counseling with the pastor at the end of the month

- Our rehearsal dinner will be pizza and beer or a cookout.

- I am designing all of the wedding invitations and programs, etc.

-Our quote is: "I want to spend my whole life laughing; laughing with you."

-I am still trying to get Bandit into the wedding party

- I will probably wear flip flops under my dress

- Nicole is doing my hair and make up :) I have my hair style picked out and its beautiful -- she is going to practice on me when I go visit her in March! <3

And here we are. Sunday evening. Nothing else will be planned or updated until the end of the month. So when people ask about my wedding plans, I am going to direct them here for all the answers. Because half of the time, I forget what I have left to do or what is 100 percent completed. The best part is I am not worried. I am not stressed. Everything will fall into place and I am just thankful I am not a bridezilla-- Justin is probably thankful of that too.

Much love,


  1. um yes, stressful times. my mom and i went browsing today and randomly came up with a whole list of things I haven't even began to think about. glad its just not me who believes that the wedding is nothing, the marriage is EVERYTHING. :)

  2. Don't you hate those pressing questions. I feel like there's a pressing question for every stage/chapter of our lives. To list a few...

    How is school? What classes are you taking? What college are you going to? What's your major? Have you found a job yet? When are you getting married? How are the wedding plans? When are you having kids?

    I'm with ya... it stresses me out, too. It makes me hate small talk as well. Ha. BTW, I love the pizza and beer dinner idea. :)

  3. Sarah -- you rock!! :) Thanks for understanding and making me feel sane! Its just so it literally starts the day you get engaged, "Have you set a date yet?" "Where are you having the wedding?!" --- and you are like "whoaaa just got engaged an hour ago!" LOL

  4. @ Audrey --- you are right. I guess you don't realize it until really starts to bother you. I mean once in a while is fine, but this is an everyday It makes me want to filter my small talk. LOL P.S. I'm excited to see you guys soon -- hopefully Friday!
