
Friday, April 16, 2010

The Best Night To People Watch Is Friday

The sun was shining bright on my dirty car as I drove through rush hour in Indianapolis. I could have easily been upset that:

a- I couldn't see out of my windshield because it had 20.5 million dead bugs on it
b- rush hour traffic = enough said
c- I couldn't see out of my windshield during rush hour traffic

But instead, I looked around me soaking in all the love and joy in life.

Up at the bright sun in the sky.

Down to my gas gauge. Better look away...

To my left where I saw an old man jamming out to some serious tunes. I couldn't help but smile and starting tapping my fingers to the beat of my music! :)

To my right, a couple in their early 20s walking out of a Mexican restaurant. She was shorter than him and her blond hair was blowing in her face, but that didn't stop her from trying to look up and smile at her lover. She wrapped her arms around him and he pulled her close. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and said her eyes lite up.

It was beautiful.

Love is beautiful.

I went to Wal-mart and there is an entire Web site devoted to people watching at I don't need to go into much detail there.

But then I went to the mall.

My first plan of action was to hit up the food court area. Of course, if you plan to walk to the bathroom you can at LEAST get three samples from the Chinese places! =) Don't mind if I do....

Tragically, they are smart. They understand people will be in the food court on a Friday night. Thus, a lack of samples made me almost embarrass myself beyond words.

I didn't see a lot of people holding samples, but the hallway was crowded. So I kept searching and then I found a red tray. I started walking toward it and then a head popped up! It was a mom holding a tray of food for her children. Can you even imagine when would happen if I just stole a piece of chicken off her tray? LOL Ohhh my, this is why I need Justin around -- he keeps me in check and wouldn't let me take a chicken nugget off a strangers tray EVEN if I thought it was a free sample.

So that was the highlight of my day. People watching at the mall.

Seeing an old man jamming to some tunes. And I'd do anything to know what music he was listening to, but since I can imagine I'm going to think he was listening to "Get Low" by Lil Jon. Just because I think its funny that way! =)

Seeing a young couple so in love...made me miss Justin for the night!

And seeing a tray full of food and almost stealing a chicken nugget because I thought it was a sample lady.

Oh life, I love you.

Much love,

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