
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter With A Dinosaur

I love children. While I am not ready to have them, my nephews fill that place in my heart for children in my life.

Today, I got to see them both. Landen smiled at me all afternoon while Braxen played with me. I'm pretty sure we crawled everywhere on our knees acting like dinosaurs. We walked around the pond looking for fish and head butted na-na and then knocked her over -- because that's what dinosaurs do.

You see, Brax thinks that he is "Sarah" from the Land Before Time. And the funny thing is his mother (my sister) is named Sarah.

I had a blast. I'll be a dino with Brax man any day of the week. He makes my heart happy. Especially when he gave me a hug and said, "Love you Aunt Hasey!"

On the way home, Justin put his hand on my thigh. He gave it a little squeeze and flashed me his beautiful smile, "You are going to be a great mom one day, Baby!"

I can't tell you how happy that made me feel.

"You are going to be a great dad too!"

We will be a pretty rockin' family.

I hope you all had a happy Easter Sunday. Smiled. Laughed. Loved. Shared. Talked. Lived. Embraced. Hugged. Kissed. Enjoyed. Remembered.

Much love,


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh... so so so FUNNNYYYY!!!! This definitely was an Easter to remember! I'll be back...Where you going Bman?......I am going to see the fishys! Much Much Love to All on this Easter Sunday 2010!!! ~MomT~
