
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wedding Top Ten

Since I can't type for my life with these fake nails on, for now-- I'm creating my very own top ten list about wedding plans, the actual wedding day, and onward to the honeymoon.

1- Let other people do stuff for you.

----Justin's Aunt Juli did ALL of the flowers and decorated the entire reception hall. She did an incredible job and I never once told her what to do or how to do. She did it for me and did such a beautiful job. I'll never be able to thank her enough. And a special person also helped me out during my dress which case I was able to have a gorgeous corset back added to my dress because of her. I have so much love for our family :)

2. Don't get fake nails unless you are functional with them.

---- I can't do anything with these fake nails and I honestly thought I would need to soak my hands in ice because they were so sore that first day. Yes, they are beautiful. No, they are not worth it. Beauty shouldn't always be pain...end of story.

3. Be yourself when planning your wedding.

---- I am so happy that 100% of our wedding was truly who we were. We didn't try to design fancy invites with elegant font or serve lobster tails at our reception to impress people. In fact, our fun and crazy invites produced an amazing sermon by Pastor B. Just be yourself -- that's why people love you....

4. What can go wrong, will go wrong.

---- I was so relaxed the morning of the wedding - just ask my mom and the girls. I don't know if it was because I was already so drugged up on medication from being sick or if it was because I had such a great peace of mind. I kept telling myself things will go wrong. People will be late. Someone will spill red wine on my dress. But, at the end of the day that won't matter. Because yes things went wrong - we ran out of food at the reception, all of my bridal party was late to the reception ( lol I'm not mad it just proves my point), and red wine did get split on my dress. But we cleaned it off with soap in the bathroom. :) And no one remembered any of :) so it doesn't matter.

5. Soak it all in. It goes by so very fast.

----Every single person told me this and every single person was right. Love every minute. Take a lot of pictures and have a great videographer to document the entire night. :)

6. Buy a wedding dress you don't need five people to hold up or to completely take off when we need to pee.

---- No further explanation needed, but you will definitely need to pee in your wedding dress so keep that in your mind while making such a large investment.

7. Don't spend a ton of money on knives to cut your wedding cake.

---- We cut our wedding cupcake with a butter knife......yeah, that really happened. LOL

8. Don't drive 14 hrs on your honeymoon to your destination.

---- I am so glad my husband, who planned the entire honeymoon, broke down our travels so that the very maximum we will ever be in the car is nine hours. I love him and he loves me, but no newlyweds should be allowed to travel more than 14 hrs in a car together the day after their wedding. I think its already illegal in some states.

9. Smile, people you never know who is taking your picture.

---- I have seen a few pictures posted where it looks like I am yelling at someone or letting our a secret happens. But just be prepared and glue a smile on your face....or they will get you.

10. Don't forget to say THANK YOU!!!

---- People spent money to come see us. Stayed in a hotel, drove down in their car, and brought amazing wedding gifts (that I am so excited to open on Sunday -- woop woop). So thank them. Thank each one of them and don't forget the power of a hug. SO THANK YOU ALL, AGAIN for everything you did to share and celebrate our special day with us...We love you always.

Much love,

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