
Sunday, June 13, 2010


I like my plate full, and not just at the dinner table. I enjoy a fast-paced life and have a hard time actually relaxing- my body can rest, but not my mind. This past year I juggled school, work, wedding planning, driving from Muncie to Indy daily, and trying to have some sort of a social life. And I enjoyed it for the most part.

And now reality has finally sank in. I am graduated and on the job hunt-- and I'm really holding for a particular position that I'd absolutely thrive in and enjoy the people too. =) But now, I am only working part-time. I can't even explain how I feel. I'm searching for things to do, yet not sure where to turn. Laying out by the pool seems pretty awesome until you realize all your other friends/family/husband are at work, so you are left alone.

I thought I'd look forward to a slower schedule. A little more time to breathe. But really, I miss writing my t0-do list. I miss highlighting sections of my planner in different colors based on importance.

I remember Justin hit this peak of reality too. It was in August and I just started back up at school. And work. And Ball Bearings. And driving all over the state of Indiana for work/school/meetings/weddings/life, etc. But his job didn't start until early September. So he felt lost and didn't know how to spend his really is hard adjustment.

So here is my game plan. I'm training for a half marathon starting tomorrow. I'll write down my workouts in my planner and highlight them based on intensity and location. I'll start keeping a food journal too. If I write it down, I have to admit to eating it. Therefore, I'll really have to think twice about eating Taco Bell or having that jumbo Margarita across the street. But doing this has been a real goal/dream for me! And I'm excited! I'll post a picture tomorrow of my pre and post workout...I'm sure that will be a treat!

Much love,

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