
Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's The Simple Things

It really is the simple things in life that make me happy.

Like Bandit jumping up on me when I walk in the door. Grabbing ahold of my arms so he can pull me down and give me kisses.

Like coming home and Justin doing the dishes. And laundry. And then cooking dinner.

Like the sun shining bright on a sad day.

Like seeing a couple kiss in public.

Like running in the rain just for fun- not to race to car so your hair doesn't get wet.

Like giving someone a compliment just because you want to make someone other than YOU feel good...

Like looking at old pictures and laughing at the things you were doing, the clothes you were wearing, and the friends you made. See below in the dorms being goofy with Toni! =)

Like saying "hello" to a complete stranger.

Like getting a text from a close friend that says "I MISS YOU" and that is all.

Like tripping over a parking block and pretending no one saw you (wait, you haven't done that...story of my life).

Like getting your mail and finding a special hand written letter from a close friend.

Like painting your nails a completely bold and wild color.

I think a lot of people get caught up in the big picture of life. I'll be happy when I graduate, get a job, get married, or move away. But really- it is about the simple, small every day things that you can always count. I smile when I see the same old man at Starbucks getting his same favorite frappacino. Then getting his tiny red car and driving away with a huge smile on his face. I guess I notice those things...because I find joy seeing other people smile. Live their daily lives. I hope you find pure bliss in the little things in life. Or least start too- because if you don't, you really are missing out.

Much love,

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