
Sunday, November 21, 2010

100th Post = Sneak Peak: Cierra's Senior Pictures

My baby sister is almost 18. It's hard to imagine that she will be going to college next year. She is growing up before my very eyes. Justin & I took her senior pictures on Saturday. Justin was the photographer pictures and I was the scene director & fashion director. Cierra was a fabulous model, completely beautiful. We made a great team.

So my darling, my 100th blog post is dedicated to you. I am so proud to be your sister.

Can someone say model?

Proud Wes Del Warrior! =)


Of course, Ashley had to jump in on a few.

She is obsessed with Monster!

I made her laugh. So cute.

Monster, do you need another model?

"The best part about having a sister is you always have a friend."

You are beautiful. I love you very much Cierra. I wish you all the success and happiness in life.

Much love,

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