
Monday, November 15, 2010

Love & Marriage: Six Months Later

"Do you know where we are?" Justin asked me after he walked me over to a porch.

It was snowing and I was sick. 

I took a look around. He caught me off guard.

Number one, I just chugged some cough syrup.

Number two, he had a shit-eating grin on his face and I thought he was going to do something crazy. Like spell his name in snow with his pee.

"Um, yeah," I said. "This is the house that we first met at."

He smiled really big. As snow flakes were falling all around us, he got down on one knee.

"And this is the house where I want to make sure we begin the rest of our lives together. Ashley, will you marry me?"

Of course I stood there in shock and questioned if this was real life. I stuck out both hands - mainly because I don't know my right from left on a good day (let alone when I'm sick) and said, "YES!!" Then we started making out on the front porch. No clue who lived there....

Look at us, little newly engaged Siebwells on Dec. 6, 2008.

So then we practiced the big day.

Then we celebrated Justin's birthday after the rehearsal dinner. 

The morning of the wedding, the boys went golfing.

And I was sick (again)- so I blew my nose all morning.

Yes, this was me on our wedding day. And yes, those were used tissues. Eeek.

But I cleaned up nicely.

 The Starbucks probably helped perk me up too. Oh, and the shot in the butt I received the day before the wedding.

I soaked it all in. And prayed Justin would think I was the most beautiful bride he'll ever see.

I remembered to show off my hot pink toenails, ready for the warm sand.

And played with my beautiful bridesmaids until I walked down the isle.

Then my daddy walked me down the isle to meet my best friend and future husband.

And so the story goes, that Justin cried when he saw me.

And then I realized I was the most beautiful bride he will ever see.

Then Pastor B surprised us with an enterprising service that made me smile. And thankful for the blessing of God in our lives and marriage. And he encouraged us to remember that love is an action. And marriage takes work.

So we said our vows and prayers. And couldn't stop smiling at each other, madly in love.

Then he kissed his bride.

And we did our special dance.

And shoved cake in our faces.

Then partied down all night.

And here we are today, six months later.

Still happy and madly in love.

I'm so blessed. And I wouldn't trade Justin or our wedding day for the world. It was remarkable. And everyone who was a part of our day, a tremendous thank you- as if I haven't thanked you enough.

What a blessing my life has become.

And I can only hope and pray that one day, Justin and I are the old couple slow dancing last during the anniversary song. He will be farting and clearing the dance floor and I'll be grabbing his butt.

Much love,

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