
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meet Jocelyn

The first time I met Jocelyn was at an OAR concert, which was a good indicator I would love her instantly. If you love OAR, you are a friend of mine. For life. No questions asked.

Throughout the years, I've gotten to know Jocelyn better. People often tell Jocelyn that she reminds them of ME! Yours truly. I'm honored to be compared to her! Becoming her great friend over the years, it almost creeps me out how similar we are....(soul sisters - yes).


I've always said that when I get older, maybe even in a few years, I want to start a scholarship. I'll call it the "Hard at Work" scholarship - for students who work nearly full-time hours to support themselves through school and still pull Dean's List grades. It was hard supporting myself through school and I gave up a lot of social activites because I had work nights and weekends. I gave up a lot of mornings sleeping in so I could get up and work a 13 hour shift every Friday. It wasn't easy, and I am sure Jocelyn can tell you this too.

Because Joceyln is the definition of a "Hard at Work" scholar. She works so insanely hard at everything. At life. At the gym. At her job. At home. And at school.

Life RockStar

Jocelyn rocks at life. She simply pours her heart into everything she does and says. You seriously can't help but fall in love with her after a few conversations, Facebook status updates or Tweets. She will make you smile on even the saddest day. And why is that? Because she puts your emotions before her own. She does absolutely anything to help her friends, family and even complete strangers. One time an old man was struggling to wipe of his car after an ice storm, and Jocelyn saw this in the CVS parking lot. She immediately went over and helped him. She rocks at life.

Gettin' Her Fittness On Fergie Style

Despite her busy schedule, Jocelyn still makes time to workout. She strives to be healthy, which is no surprise since she works at a hospital and is a nursing major. And her mother is a nurse. I'm not surprised that she has an amazing body and works hard to keep it that way.

Make Money, Make Money, Moneyyyy

While most students have some degree of a job in college, Jocelyn takes it to the next level. She works in the mental health unit at the hospital. She often works 13 + hour shifts. Sometimes, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Seriously, people? Because I sure as heck couldn't be a nursing student and pull those kid of hours...

Home is Where the Heart Is

Jocelyn is fine with spending a Friday night at home with her parents watching re-runs of Cops. Or movies with her grandma. I'll bet she'd give up any night out to babysit her niece. She always, always makes time to have dinner with her grandma. She truly gives the best gift of all to her family: time. She makes time for them - always - even when she probably feels like there aren't enough hours in the day. And don't worry- she still makes time to hang out with her friends & be a college kid every now and again.

Getting Educated

Jocelyn is a nursing major at The University of Saint Francis. If she slips below an 80%, she is failing. I'll say that one last time so it sinks in, Failing...... A B- for normal students is a failing grade for nursing students like Jocelyn. She still kicks butt though. She had two test the other night and got a 100% on her bio test. What a stud....

Jocelyn, you are so inspiring. You give your heart to the world. You work so hard in school and work, but make time for the things that really matter in life. I truly believe you'll be the best nurse ever one day. I'd want you as my nurse, that's a fact. Keep rocking at school! You can do this...and I swear all your hardwork will pay off. One day - when you retire - young & rich - we will live on a beach together. Justin will cook for us and our dogs will play together on the beach with freebies. Yes, I think our dogs will live another 40 years.

I love you so much and I am honored to know you. I'm blessed to call you my friend. Oh, and since I can't afford to give you a $1,000 scholarship just yet- I'll be sending you a Starbucks gift card in the mail. That will kind of go towards your education, right?

Much love,

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