
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Words With Friends Contest

The love and support I’ve received from my family, friends and even complete strangers during my journey to complete this half marathon and raise money for the American Heart Association have been unbelievable. My initial goal was to raise $500. Within a month, I hit that goal – so I increased my goal to $700. I am happy to report that because of your loving donations, I have not only met my goal – I have exceeded it! I have raised nearly $750 for the American Heart Association.

Now it’s time to have fun and pay it forward to you everyone who has supported me and my goals through monetary donations, kind words and hugs! While taking a shower last night (where all brilliant ideas occur because you have no paper to write them down), I thought of a contest that combines four of my top loves:

• Writing

• You (my amazing and loving supporters)

• Starbucks

• Justin

The Words with Friends Contest is simple.

1. Write down an inspirational message to me for race day. It can be funny, inspirational, sweet, encouraging, etc.

2. Once you come up with your message, write it on a piece of paper, a larger sign, pizza box, etc. & take a picture of yourself holding up the sign. Include your family, friends, hamster, fish, dog in the picture – I don’t care. Take the picture inside or outside. Take it jumping in the air or running. The more creative, the better.

3. Post the picture on your Facebook page or Twitter account & tag me in the picture.

4. Justin & I will judge the inspirational / hilarious / motivating posters. The top 3 will win Starbucks gift cards and ALL pictures will be posted on my blog to celebrate your thoughtful messages.

I am really looking forward to seeing your messages! You truly have NO idea how much it means to me. I know that when I am running 13.1 miles on Saturday morning, I will smile and think of each and every message from you all. If you haven’t learned by now, I am actually the true winner of this contest – because I get to keep your love and messages forever.

Much love,

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