
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 2: You'll Never Look at Ranch the Same Again...

I lost one pound!! I would be okay with losing a pound a day for 17 days....#wishfulthinking

Day 2 wasn't as exciting...I didn't battle a chip or man handle a Skinny Soy Vanilla Latte from Starbucks. But I did do something I haven't done in months...

I woke up BEFORE 7 a.m. AND I actually ate eggs for breakfast. I usually wake up super late for work, rush around to get ready and that's when grabbing the bagel becomes convenient. In fact, I drank almost two cups of coffee (small ones) with my hubby while watching the news (basically the Weiner scandal) and eating egg beaters mixed with peppers, onions and mushrooms. Amazing.

The next amazing part of my day was realizing that I have will power. For my afternoon snack, I counted out nine almonds. Just nine. And I only ate nine. This was a lot more effective than digging my hand into the mixed nut container for an hour....

Later on, I had an orange- which is serioulsy turning into one of my favorite snacks ever. The fresh citrus smell alone really perks up my afternoon.

When I got home, I did some house work - dishes, laundry, etc. and finished up a wedding design for my clients, which is truly one of my favorites designs EVER - can't wait to share them with you soon!

I even got a chance to talk to one of my best friends for 40 minutes about life and her new job (which she just got today - congrats Kaila!!). It was awesome and at that moment, I realized how much I love coming home after work with no plans. Relaxing. Doing nothing. I haven't had this kind of "free" time in years- I'm loving every minute....I was loving it so much, I even feel asleep day dreaming. 

Day 2 Eating:
-scrambled egg beaters with mushrooms, onions and yellow peppers
-2 cups of coffee
-1/2 a piece of grilled salmon and 1/2 a piece of grilled chicken
-1 cup broccoli 
-9 almonds
-one small orange
-1 large iced green tea from Starbucks (the best on EARTH)
-7 carrots with hummus
-mixed combination of tofu cubes, broccoli, 1/4 chicken breast with a dab of goat cheese (don't ask - I was super hungry today for some reason and needed an extra boast before my run with Bandit)
-1/2 pork chop

Day 2 Excerise:
-1.5 mile run / walk with Bandit
-100 abs
-100 squats

During this whole process, I am taking my dad's advice: be happy during the journey (or you won't be happy at the destination). Healthy mind, happy heart....

Side note: Thank you to EVERYONE who has sent me encouraging emails, text messages, Facebook comments or advice. Keep it coming! :) And thanks to Bobbi Shane - I will never look at condiments the same....Can Ashley Sieb live without ranch dressing? The world might find out over these next 16 days.

Much love,

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