
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Miles of Motivation: 3-5

First and foremost, I'm proud to report that I've lost 7.5 lbs so far in 2012.

4 lbs this week alone!!! :) :) :)

While we are talking of tonight I have 85 miles to complete for my friends and family who liked my status the other night. I am completely blown away at my amazing support system! (THANK YOU ALL!)

So, tonight after work I went to a happy hour...I had an IPA and an Alabama shooter. I don't recommend drinking before working out, but I didn't want to skip another day at the gym.

I came home.

Ate dinner (baked fried chicken - it was AMAZING!).

Let my tummy settle for about 15 minutes.

Bundled up.

Left for the gym with Justin.

Because the gym was a mad house and I had a full stomach, I decided running probably wasn't my best option! SO, I opted for the 3 miles on the elliptical.

My first mile tonight was for my friend Trevor Logan! Trevor is my good friend Sabrina's younger brother. The last time I saw him, he was holding his newly born nephew, Bryar Leland Skramstad:

When I was talking to Trevor that night, he mentioned during boot camp he ran a mile in a super fast pace...I can't remember what exactly it was... Maybe 6 minutes and some change...either way, I was inspired. I thought about going to boot camp for millisecond and then decided it was best to give him a "HIGH FIVE" and move on with my thoughts. So Trevor, I didn't do a mile in 6, 7, 8 or even 9 minutes...but I sure hope I made you proud. Otherwise, "you can get this audience out of here!"

My second mile was for Darlene Rodriguez. She is married to one of Justin's best friends from high school, Harry. While I was pushing through mile two, I thought of how hard Darlene is becoming healthy this year by working out and eating better. And let me tell you, that is the "secret" to weight loss. No diet pill or magical drink...simply devote time to working out hard and eating a balanced diet- I should write a book. Anyway, I am beyond proud of her and I even saw a post today that she found swimsuits for her upcoming vacation! :) So exciting!! My hope is that she continues to believe in herself and work hard this year. Her positive attitude and outlook will certainly come in handy!

My third and final mile was for Gina Raymond. Oh Gina. I love Gina so much. Gina is Brittany Raymond's mother, and the last time I saw her was at the softball benefit we had in memory of Brittany.

The softball benefit was in June and when I was doing my mile, I realized that is simply unacceptable. I need to see her and the rest of Britt's family soon! I keep up with her on Facebook often, but there is just something about her smile and voice that isn't captured in pictures. She is lovely. I look up to her in many ways. She is an English teacher, and I've always dreamed of becoming a teacher, especially in English and Journalism! Gina is a very inspiring and loving woman who would do absolutely anything for anyone. I'm truly honored to know such a strong and beautiful woman like Gina.

Thank you Trevor, Darlene and Gina for your love and support!

80 more times to go....

Much love,

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