
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Miles of Motivation: 8-15

Sometimes I don't hit my goals.

Sometimes I don't run as fast as I would like.

Sometimes I let my mind defeat my body.

All of these things happened tonight.

But in the past, I would have felt sorry for myself. I would have came home and stuffed my face with any and everything I could find in the pantry.

But tonight was different.

Tonight I came home- inspired to not give up. I

nspired to let my mind beat my body in the end.

The sky was dark and foggy. But I didn't let that bring me down or keep me inside. I yelled for Bandit and we took off together in the dark. Don't worry, Mom- I had my mace and flashlight with me. And we didn't go very far because I had just completed 2 miles at the gym.

My first night run. Our first night run together.

And it was exactly what I needed to perk up my spirits.

I went fast.

Faster than I have ever ran - and probably because I was scared someone was going to pop out of a bush and kidnap me.

Tonight, I didn't hit my goals.

I didn't run a 9:45 / mile.

But I made huge progress.


I didn't let my mind beat my body.

And I didn't come home and eat away my emotions.

So, now that I'm feeling happy and inspired -  it's time to catch up on some MUCH needed miles of motivation posts. There are a lot of you to thank tonight!

Mile 8 was for Jocelyn Linder. I often joke that she is my sister from another mister. I'm actually honored when people tell me that we resemble each other. She is one of the most beautiful people I know - inside and out- and she is the hardest working college student I have ever met. While most college kids are off partying away their weekends, she is working 12 hour shifts at the hospital. In her free time, she has dinner dates with her grandma and play dates with her adorable niece. She truly understands what life is all about...Jocelyn, I love you dearly.

Anyone who wears a Big Mac outfit is a friend for life.

Never change, Jozzy. Your hardwork will pay off in the end and you will come out on top. This I promise you, my dear. And while running my mile for you, I kept thinking about our very first date together - OAR 2006! :) Let's go see them again this summer....

Mile 9 was for Robyn Miller. I've known Robyn my entire life. She is my mom's best friend and I am pretty sure we are related somehow! When I was running mile nine for Robyn, I kept thinking about how I can only DREAM of looking as good as she does when I am her age. Not that she is old, obviously she is only 29 ;) -- but she is absolutely beautiful!! I've always admired her long, beautiful hair and perfect figure! And fun fact, Robyn was one of the first people to teach me how to do ab workouts. You've been a fitness idol of mine from the beginning Robyn! Thank you for always supporting and believing in me - it means more than you'll ever know! I love you!

Mile 10 was for Marcie Hale. I met Marcie through my good friend Ann, and for the longest time I thought her name was Darcie. Close enough, right? Sorry about that...Marice is a fitness legend in my book. She looks absolutely incredible! She is everything I dream of being...she runs fast, strong and never misses a day at the gym. In fact, she teaches classes at the gym. One of them is cycling...which I have NEVER tried because I'm terrified I'll die. While I was running mile 10 for Marice, I kept thinking about how happy I am that she is finally doing her first half marathon. I've been encouraging her to do a half marathon for about a year now...and Marcie, you will kick ass. You will inspire the world with your time. I'm positive of this...train hard girl and I'll be there in spirit cheering you on!

Mile 11 was for Josh Farr. I've known Josh for about 2 years now. Anyone who knows Josh, knows he has a pretty legit body. The dude looks good. The dude workouts. The dude is a personal trainer. Josh is also one of the nicest guys I know and I'm so happy that he is with an AMAZING girl (Hi Steph) who is also really into fitness. When I was running mile 11 for Josh, I thought of the time he jumped into a freezing cold lake. In his boxers. During our friend Thanksgiving dinner. It made me laugh really hard. I'm thankful to have such adventurous friends like you, Josh! And I might look you up for a personal training session soon. Biggest Loser style...are you ready!?!!?

Mile 12 was for Megan Fawbush. I've known Megan since high school. We were both managers of the basketball team together! She has such a kind heart and bright smile. While running mile 12 for Megan, I kept thinking about how much I admire her faith and positivity. I hope you never change your outlook and passion for life. You have such a kind soul; you have a positive impact on those around you. Never forget that!

Mile 13 was for Bobbi Shane. I've known Bobbi for nearly 10 years now. We worked together at Arnold's Drive-In for years..and our friendship has continued ever since. She does my hair. She makes me feel beautiful. AND she has a handsome son, who happens to share the same birthday as me. Birthday twins!!

Bobbi as a witch & I'm dressed as white trash (yes I made my outfit out of white trash bags).

While I was running mile 13 for Bobbi, I kept thinking about show is making plans of her own to run 13.1 miles. She is currently training to run her first ever 5K and has dreams of doing a half marathon one day. And the best part? I'll hopefully be there...running along side her! :) I'm so proud of you, Bobbi. Believe in yourself and remember that you can do absolutely anything you put your mind to accomplishing! I am beyond excited to be a part of your running journey.

Mile 14 was for Carolyn Richie (formerly known as Carolyn Votaw). I've known Carolyn for more than 12 years now. We went to middle school, high school and college together. We've played basketball, volleyball, softball and track together. And I think it's safe to say, that she is one of the most athletic people I've ever met in my entire life. She is fit, fast and frustratingly good at everything she does. While I was running mile 14 for Carolyn, I was thinking about her father / daughter at her wedding - just a few short months ago. Everything from The Bernie to the Stankey Legg to the Superman was a part of their dance. And Stan (her dad) has some pretty amazing dance moves. As a freelance dancer myself, I must say - I was beyond impressed and inspired by Carolyn and Stan's dance moves. So, I would like to take the time to thank Carolyn and her dad for teaching me some awesome dance moves in your recent dance video.

Mile 15 was for the best running partner in the world, Bandit.

Running pep talk.
He is the best.

When the weather is cold and snowy, I don't run with Bandit outside. This makes me feel extremely guilty, especially when he gets SUPER excited when he sees me put on my workout clothes and lace up my running shoes. He jumps around. He barks. He runs straight to the door and looks at me, waiting for me to put him his running gear. Instead, I lean down and whisper in his ear, "I'm sorry buddy boy- it's too cold to run outside. I'm going to the gym."

He stares at me for a minute, watches me put on my coat and runs upstairs to "his room." 





But tonight- I didn't care how cold or dark it was outside. I needed my running partner as much as as he needed me. And we had an amazing run together tonight.

Much love,

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