
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Keep Calm & Love Running

As many of you know, I signed up for my first full marathon earlier this month.

At times, I feel completely crazy for signing up for a full marathon. I'm not sure what I'm thinking, but I am trying to stay motivated by seeking inspiration daily.

Most of the time, I am busting with happiness...ready to take on this challenge and fight to that finish line.

I ask for advice- from both rookie and veteran runners.

I read articles about inspiring people who've completed full marathons and other challenging races.

I research training programs to determine which program will work best for me and my hectic schedule.

NO skipping out on long runs when training for a full marathon.

I follow amazing people on Twitter who keep me inspired and motivated. See below.

A few of my beautiful running mentors and friends Meggie, Martha Ellen and Christi!
I run with my friends as often as possible! Last night at The Brew Mile, the heat was getting the best of me. And my legs felt sore and tight from not stretching well before my run. When we were coming up to the finish line, Mel looked at me and said, "We are almost there!! And under 12 for it, Ash! Run!"

And I did. I felt like Forest Gump - and I probably looked just as awkward, but I went on for it.

Our official finish time was 11:28!!!!!
I'll take it!:)
To be completely honest, I'm scared shitless about this full marathon. Thankfully, I have Carla, who is an INCREDIBLE running partner. We've only ran together a few times, but I'm confident we make an amazing team. And today I got a beautiful reminder that I have the most loving and supportive friends and family. 

One my coworkers was handing out the mail and said, "I have goodies for you!"

Goodies? I hardly ever receive mail at the office.

My immediate reaction was jury duty- probably because I watch too much Investigation Discovery.

I was wrong. And thankfully so...because what I opened up filled my heart with so much hope and joy.

It's the little and kind gestures in life that have the biggest impact.
Thank you again, Mel.
My beautiful friend Melanie Allen sent me this poster with an inspiring note. I rearranged everything on my desk and put it right in front of my computer, so I see it every second, of every day.

Her letter and poster came at the most perfect time.

I was starting to doubt myself...

I was questioning my abilities...

I was fearful that my mind would defeat my body...

Then Mel sent me this perfect reminder to  
keep calm and just focus on my love for running.

And by the time I got home from work, my friend Samantha Adamczeski sent me pictures from the #MakeTheRules Athlete's Handbook by Nike Women. She said it reminded her of me..and I was truly flattered.

Here are a few of my favorites: 

I have no clue what my full marathon journey will entail. But I'll maintain my positive outlook and attitude through the love and support of my friends and family...I couldn't keep pushing and fighting through those tough miles without you all. When my body feels like giving up, I drift away to to the messages, comments and posts from you. 

You are all helping me make my own rules.

You are all a part of my handbook to success.

Much love,


  1. I had no idea that you had a blog or that you had a love for running!! :) I would love to do a marathon someday and I applaud you for doing it!!! That's no easy task! You really inspire me!!

    I started running in 2009 and blogged a lot with the tagline "God on the Greenway". I ran my first 5k that year and I hope to run some more sometime. Eventually, I'm trying to get those blogs compiled into a book.

    Keep going, Ashley! I love all the things you shared! Keep those motivations with you and keep pushing yourself and doing whatever it takes!! AWESOME!!

  2. You're so sweet! Thank you so much for the kind words and inspiration! :) I really hope you follow your dream and complete a full marathon one day soon. Just make the commitment - sign up and train with all your heart. You got this girl! xoxo!
