
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No Time Is Long Enough

My meeting ran over, so I was running late. It's no surprise that I also left my directions to the funeral home on my desk at work.Thankfully, Chad played my GPS navigator from the office.

I rushed to Mejier trying to find a perfect card.

Not that any card can be "perfect" for a time like this....

My friend Ashley lost her father last week. We actually had dinner plans that evening, but she text me later in the day saying her mother was having a family dinner.

We were both a little bummed we would miss out on our dinner together, but we promised to raincheck.

The next morning she text me and said, "Sorry again about last night. Little did I know I was going to dinner to find out my dad passed away."

I dropped my phone on my desk.

My eyes filled with tears.

And my heart sank.

I was heartbroken for her...she was so close to her father. His parents and brother had already passed Ashley was the only family he had left.

Ashley was so incredibly strong when I talked to over the following days.


Back in Mejier,  I picked up the first card I saw and it was..."perfect"

The card made me think about how I have been spending my time lately....

I have been so incredibly busy with wedding planning / DJ gigs, freelance work, volunteering, event planning, working, marathon training, and other projects... I have lost my balance in life.

It's time to spend my time better.



At the funeral, Ashley was incredible. She was so strong. And the funeral, which she had planned on her own, was beautiful.

When I was waiting in line to hug Ashley, I overheard her say, "I'm doing OK. I guess the hardest part is thinking about future events. Like my wedding. He won't be there to walk me down the isle. Or the father-daughter dance..."

Tears filled my eyes.

And before the couple could reply, Ashley said, "But I know he is so happy that you both came. Thank you so much for stopping by. It means so much to me."

She is strong.



When I drove home from work today, I took the time to notice the small things.

I saw a mother picking up her two children from the babysitter. The oldest daughter- maybe 3- reached the van door, but then quickly turned around to give her babysitter one last hug goodbye.

I noticed a flower delievery truck parked outside a house in my neighborhood.

I smiled at the woman next to me who was singing with her windows down on this beautiful day.

When I got home, I danced with my husband in our living room to Phillip Phillips "Home."

I went to the gym and did all 3 miles of my training program (I'm kicking ass by the way!)

And when I was walking Bandit around the neighborhood, I called my dad.

Because no time on earth is long enough to share with those we love or to prepare our hearts goodbye.

Make the most of your time today.

And everyday.

In loving memory of Robert Griffith. 

Much love,

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