
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Bandit Prayer

I woke up late this morning. But who am I kidding...I usually do.

The clock said 7:20 a.m. I knew I wasn't stopping at Starbucks, so I decided 10 minutes would give me enough time to:
  • Let Bandit out one more time. He always comes in too early / before he has finished his business so he can get a treat.
  • Cook a healthy breakfast (an Egg McMuffin of sorts).
  • Pack my healthy snacks for the day (cottage cheese sprinkled with Goldfish crackers + fresh strawberries and banana for later in the day).
  • Grind and brew some French Vanilla coffee.
By 7:28 am, I looked at the clock: mission accomplished.

I quickly reminded myself to stop saying:

"I don't have time to eat healthy in the morning."

"I don't have time to pack my lunch."

"I don't have time to brew my own coffee."

Because yes, I do have time.

I went to rush out the door, but turned to look over at Bandit. He was giving me the creeper / alien stare down from across the room.

I'm mildly obsessed with my dog.
I almost forgot our tradition.

The Bandit Prayer.

I started The Bandit Prayer when Justin and I first moved to Indy. I watched too much criminal minds + local news. Not to mention, I'm a scardy cat in general. Anyway, I was also trying to grow my spiritual relationship at that time. So one day before work, I decided to do a little prayer with Bandit.

I grabbed his little face and pulled it close to mind.

I gave him a single kiss on nose.

"Heavenly father, please keep this house free from harm and intruders. Please keep little Bandito safe and sound. We ask all this in your name, amen."

Sometimes he will give me a kiss when the prayer is over.

Most of the time he looks at me like I am crazy.

And maybe I am.

But I left for work this morning remembering a valuable lesson.

You are never too rushed to count your blessings, give a kiss goodbye and keep your morning traditions. 

Much love,

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