
Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Year of Random Acts of Kindness: Week 3


That's how much we have to pay in car repairs over the next few weeks.

But- it could be worse! At least we both have good jobs. And we are alive.


Despite the (always) unexpected hit to our bank account, The Year of Random Acts of Kindness must go on!

On Saturday, I spent the morning with my girls drinking bloody mary's and mimosas.

Ann and Ashley.
Day drinking.

I needed that morning of laughs, especially after our car news.

"Animals are not allowed to drink from the well."
We are grown-ups. I promise.

On the way home, my friend Ann and I stopped at Taco Bell.

Always a good idea after a few drinks, right?

(Wrong. I ended up getting sick after eating Taco Bell. Never again). 

"Ann!" I said. "I need to do my random act of kindness today! I'm going to buy this guy's lunch behind us. And your lunch!"

"What if his bill is really expensive?" Ann asked.

"Well- then Justin will lecture me and I'll remind him...that it was just meant to be!" I said.

We both laughed- knowing that Justin would shake his head if he heard me say that...

I pulled up to the window and said, "Hi! I'd like to pay for my order and the guy behind me!"

The young girl smiled, "Okay!"

"And just tell him that I said 'Have a great day!'"

The young girl smiled again, unsure what to say next.

I always love seeing the reaction to people during these random acts of kindness.

Ann laughed, "You sound so diplomatic!" 

"What does that even mean?" I asked. "Is that good or bad?"

"Good!" Ann said. "Well, I guess good. But you kind of sounded like a crazy ex-girlfriend. 'Hi my name is Carol- and you go ahead and tell my ex-boyfriend back there I said HAVE A NICE DAY!"

We started dying laughing.

"Okay, well now I have to sussy someone," Ann said.

(By the way, a sussy is a gift for no reason. Click on the link above to learn more about The Sussy Project).

Guys, that's the best thing about these random acts of kindness- they are contagious!!

We went to Marsh and saw the most ADORABLE little boys selling discount cards and 3-D sports cups to raise money for their basketball team.

A prime target.

"Hi!" Ann said. "What are you selling?"

The little kid went into a huge sales pitch about the cups and discount cards. The other kids next to him would chime in if he forget to mention something or mispoke.

The dad, who reminded me of Jessie from Breaking Bad (aka I had a crush on him), was smiling at Ann and I the entire time.

"Okay, we will come back and get some cups when were are on shopping," Ann said.

We walked away and she said, "There is my sussy. Expensive cups...and I'll give them to...who knows?"

I loved that Ann was inspired to sussy someone- she supported the kids and bought 3-D IU cups.

Also, this was the result of day-drinking.
A 6 p.m. hangover.

Later that night, I went to Starbucks (hoping the caffeine would eliminate my "hangover headache" and planned on buying coffee for the person behind me.

But no one came in, so I didn't have the opportunity to keep spreading the love. Instead, I smiled knowing that my purchase was helping raise money for World AIDS Day, which Starbucks was supporting all day on December 1.

Sussy Saturday was a great success. 

And I'm looking forward to making even more people smile this week.

If you have any good ideas for my charity to support for December, comment below or send me message! As a reminder, I'm donating $26 to a different charity each month.

Go out and make someone smile today.

And everyday. 

Much love,

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