
Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Year of Random Acts of Kindness: Week 4

Kindness comes in all forms.

A smile.

A small gift.

A donation.

A helping hand.

A phone call.

A compliment.

An amount of your time.

A cookie.

A shoulder to cry on.

A door to hold open.

And during Week 4, my random act of kindess came in the form of advice. 

A week earlier, I was running with one of my best friends Ryan. He told me he had a second job interview at a position he was REALLY excited about.

The job had some elements of social media, so while we were running I started rattling off ideas and opportunities for him to consider.

"If you want, I can take a look at the site and give you some ideas!" I told Ryan. "I also have a lot of research I could send your way."

"Would you really? That would be amazing!" Ryan said.

On Sunday evening, I realized the weekend escaped and I had forgotten to email Ryan the information I promised.

Frantically, I typed up a list of ideas and gave him research for inspiration. The ideas were simple enough to inspire him...and I knew he would take the ideas and run with them + apply them to the organization to the position / organization.

Ryan replied back in all capital letters: "WOW- YOU ARE AMAZING. Thank you so much!"

A week later, Ryan called me at work and left me the best voicemail ever.

I saved it because his kind words and happiness was so contagious.

When I called him back, I could feel his smile through his voice.

"I got the job!" he said instantly.

"I am soooo proud of you, Ryan!" I said. "I knew you'd get it!

"Ashley, I couldn't have done it without you," Ryan said. "You've done your good karma for an entire year!"

At that moment, I realized that I did my random act of kindness and didn't even know it! And best of all, my friend has a job that he loves!

As you grow in your profession and gain more skills, don't hoard your knowledge to yourself.

Share your ideas and inspiration with your friends, especially if they are seeking your help!

Offer your best advice.

Encourage them to be creative.

And most importantly, believe in them.

Much love,

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