
Monday, February 18, 2013

Life Lessons Inspired by Pregnancy

I’m barely three months into my pregnancy, but I’ve already learned so much about myself and my body.

On My Time

Time is the most valuable gift you have in this world. Yet, many of us fail to realize the beauty and importance of our time.

Pregnancy has taught me to invest my time and energy on what really matters in life. I’ve always known that my time is precise.

But when I was a busy two-something living in a “big city” – trying to advance my career AND find time to give back to the community – well, let’s just say I let important people and moments slip away from me.

I missed dinners with my husband.

I never made it to my brother’s baseball games.

I found myself turning into that person that was “always late,” which is NOT like me at all.

And all last year, I found myself struggling to keep my head above water.

I was working late, scheduling meetings after work and on weekends, training for half marathons and still trying to manage a social life.

This year, my time is spent differently. I focus on getting home on-time so that I can enjoy a walk with Bandit.

I walk into the door give Justin a giant hug and kiss instead of complaining about my day.

And I do my best to catch up with friends and family via phone calls, emails, or even text messages (when I’m not sleeping, of course).

This year, I’ll make it to my brother’s baseball games. I’ll enjoy every dinner that Justin and I share together before our little one arrives. And I'll be on time.

On Relaxing

As you can tell, I was the queen-bee of stress. Justin always joked that his wife was out “saving the world” every night.

But when you don’t make time yourself, you’re yourself.

Having a “me day” - doesn’t make you a selfish person- it makes you a smart person.

Pregnancy has made me EXTREMELY tired. In fact, the last three months, I’ve spent more relaxing evenings in with my family than when I was an awkward middle schooler who had dates with Domino’s and SNICK (Saturday Night Nickeloden – what’s up 90s!).

I’m so happy that pregnancy has shown me how to relax again.

And not feel guilty about saying “no” and spending days and nights cuddled up on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars and Breaking Bad from Netflix.

On Bad Days

Hey- it happens.

We all have bad days.

Or moments that frustrate us.

Or people who say something that is hurtful or makes you want to scream!

But lately, I find myself realizing those bad days, frustrating moments, and rude people don’t matter at all.

I know, I know- they never mattered, but I used to dwell on every single word someone said. And I would spend hours over-analyzing every single situation.

I would just sit down and re-play the comments or situation – over and over again- sometimes changing around what I’d do differently.

But now, when I’m bummed or needing some motivation, I simply look at our ultrasound pictures of Baby Sieb dancing in the womb.

We’re surrounded by people who love us- and people who are cheering us on every step of the way. So why let one day, moment, or person crush all of that for me?

Lately, I’ve found it easier to push out the negative in my life and focus on the positive.

Family is what matters.

Love is what matters.

Growing a little tiny human being in my stomach is what matters.

On My Body

Pregnancy has taught me that your body is ever-changing. And amazing. Seriously- I’m growing a baby.

With arms.

And legs.

And toenails.

And this week, Baby Sieb can even wiggle his or her ears!

Not to mention, I’m pretty sure Baby Sieb busted out the Harlem Shake during our ultrasound last week.

I’m so amazed by my body and the ability to grow a baby.

What a miracle.

It makes me feel silly for worrying about every little fault I have with my body.

On Patience

The biggest life lesson I’ve learned throughout our journey with pregnancy is patience.

We went through many ups and downs when we were trying to get pregnant. At times, I was so impatient it would break me down. But finally- when I calmed down and had patience, we got pregnant!

I needed patience when we first find out we were pregnant.

How could I keep this a secret for eight long weeks?

How could I wait two weeks after only seeing a “healthy” sac in our first ultrasound? Is there a baby in there?

How long will my cysts keep growing? Will they shrink? When will I find out if there is OK or if I need surgery?


Having patience is what got me through those weeks of uncertainty (and keeping my mouth shut for the most part).

I have another month before we can hear little Nemo’s heart beat again.

I have to wait two more months before we discover the gender of Baby Sieb.

But more importantly, I have to wait six more months to find out if our baby is healthy.

And when Baby Sieb arrives, I’ll need patience when he or she is crying bloody murder or refusing to sleep.

I’ll need patience when I’m sleep deprived and just want a clean shower or good run- the baby will always come first.

I’ll need patience when Bandit is barking, the baby is crying, my phone is ringing, and the oven is going off.

The many tests with patience are ahead of me.

But you know what?

The smiles, kisses, hugs, stories, memories, laughs, and even tears that a child brings will make it all worth it in the end.

Much love,


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