
Monday, March 4, 2013

I'm (Almost) Back

I was going to blog on Sunday, but that would require leaving my bed.

I literally spent the entire day napping (and it was glorious).

Let's recap my weekend!

On Friday night, I had dinner with my friends from high school - nothing makes me happier than my hometown crew.

But before I went out, I finally got my package containing my new baby bump t-shirt.

Only to my surprise, it was the wrong t-shirt!

Just three years late on this one...
Although Justin and I both decided it will be super hilarious to rock this shirt at the gym when I am mega pregnant.

Stay tuned for those pictures.

Anyway, Saturday afternoon we had lunch with Justin's Uncle and his girlfriend at Barcelona Tapas (my favorite place ever). This time, however, I didn't have the sangria. It was bittersweet.

On Saturday evening, I worked at event with My Best Friend's Hair and Hair Mafia. They launched a new tool for stylists to make more money (at no cost and zero risk), sell more products, and have better relationships with their clients! I'm not a hair stylists, but this new product inspires me! So, I was SUPER excited to be a part of the launch party.

I got there around 5 pm to help with event set-up. I wasted no time chatting with one of my new favorite people ever (that's you Megan Giannini) while we stuffed gift bags for our guests.

Meg looks super yet.
My left eye looks black?

I ended up running errands with Rachel most of the night.

Partner in Crime!

Then I got back for my hair and make-up. I truly felt like a celebrity- getting pampered for a big event.

I haven't felt this beautiful and awake in weeks!
Thank you for the pre-event makeover, MBFH!
While I was getting my make-up done (I feel in love with my stylist and want her to move in + do my make-up daily), I was reminded how lucky Justin and I am to be on this journey together. One of her close friends tried to get pregnant for years and years. They finally decided to adopt, but then the adoption fell was one heart break after other. Finally (a few weeks ago), an adoption went through and they now have a little girl.

I walked away holding back tears and counting my blessings. 

Anyway, later in the evening I had to make a booze run! When I got back Mel (my close friend and Marketing Manager for MBFH) helped me carry in one of the boxes.

She saw the little package of newborn diapers that my sister, Sarah, recently gave me.

"Oh my gosh," she said and put her hand on her chest. "This just makes me want to cry. I want you to know how happy I am for you guys. When you told me you were pregnant, I literally cried at work. Seriously- I'm so happy for you guys..."

I'm so very lucky and thankful to be surrounded by such supporting and loving people. I've always admired Mel, long before she was a mother. But now that I've seen her grow-up and become one of the best mom's I know...I'm even more inspired by her motherly instincts, beauty, intelligence, and heart. On her days off, she really is "off" - she takes her son to swim glass, drum glass, and they never miss out on an opportunity to explore and be outside.

"It's really important to me that Charlie has a sense of adventure," Mel said when I told that I love how much fun her and Charlie have together.

After bonding over newborn diapers and babies, the hair show began! These girls killed it on the runway and I loved all of their styles!

The models all lined up at the end of the show.
Photo credit: Megan Giannini.
Overall, Saturday evening was a total blast. I made new friends.

Chrissy's energy and smile is so contagious!
Love her!
 And caught up with old friends. 

I love this girl beyond words! Such a great surprise to see you, Abby!

 And I spent most of Sunday recovering.

So, I'm almost back! I was able to stay up past midnight on Saturday, which is almost a pregnancy record for me!

I really can't wait for that second trimester energy boost!

Okay, The Bachelor is on (guilty pleasure) so I'm done rambling.

Much love,


  1. Love you. Love you love you love you!

    1. And I LOVE YOU! Thanks for always being so supportive!

  2. I LOOOOOVEEEE hanging out with you! I can't wait to see you again soon. Also, this post made me cry. One my best friends had her baby today and I'm a ball of emotions. Love hearing about your pregnancy journey darling. xoxo.

    1. Seriously, we need monthly (at minimum) dates to catch up! :) Aww I'm just so happy for you and your friend- how exciting! Send her my love and congrats- hope everyone is happy and healthy!!
