
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marathon Relay- I Need Your Help!

In just a few short weeks, I am running / walking my second full marathon relay!

I have the shortest leg (only 4.2 miles), but I'm running last!

I'm sure Carla, Robyn, and Jami will kick butt until it's my turn to do us proud! But I will need some music to pump me up while I wait + inspire me to finish strong!

So, how can you help!?

Send me some song ideas!! I love happy, positive music! The "hard" rap and rock doesn't get me going - it just makes me get mad...and that doesn't make me run happy.

So email me, send a Facebook message, tweet me, or comment on this blog post with your favorite happy or uplifting songs. I also like songs that make me want to dance.

Needing some uplifting running music of your own!? You are in luck - I will share my final playlist closer to race day (April 20).

Much love,

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