
Saturday, March 23, 2013

What You've Missed

As you know, I've been in hibernation this winter.

Otherwise known as growing a baby.

Enough though I promised to blog more (and even write in my personal journal), sleeping always took priority over writing.

But, I'm slowly coming "back to normal."

My energy levels are higher today than the past two months combined.

So, what have you missed?

My biggest cravings are lemonade (freshly squeezed with lemon chunks floating around = the best).

I can't stop eating cereal and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches- both of which I rarely ate pre-pregnancy. 

My obsession with Pretty Little Liars has been replaced with Gossip Girl, which is definitely more trashy (I can't help myself).

Bandit never leaves my side (well that's not new, is it?).

I officially have six small stretch marks forming (SOMEONE HELP and say you have a secret cream that makes them disappear!?).

As of Friday, March 22 - I am embracing maternity pants. Having my zipper (from my 100% unbuttoned pants) jab into my stomach all day was a painful experience.

Justin and I have decided on a theme for the nursery if we have a girl! BUT we can't seem to decide / agree for a boy....this probably means we are having a boy.

My bump is busting out for the world to see. And this LBD (little black dress) shows it all!

Bump magic.
I have a full marathon relay coming up on April 20. And I haven't ran more than 3 miles since November. Everything will be fine, right guys? I have time to train still...right? Good thing my leg is only 4.2 miles!

I decided to write a book and have my outline and chapters developed. More information coming soon!

Work is keeping me busy (very busy), but I'm thankful that we still make work fun.

Flexing our Source-a-Saurus mascots.
My heart melts when Justin lays his head on my stomach and talks to Baby Sieb.

I can't wait until April 17th (the day we find out if we are having a boy or girl)!!! But I'm trying not to get overly excited because Baby Sieb could decide to be stubborn and not let us get a good view for the gender confirmation.

My ring is getting a little tight- so I'll be rocking a fake ring here in the next few months. Any suggestions on beautiful (fake) diamonds that don't turn your fingers green?

I had a pumpkin pie fro yo on Wednesday and pumpkin spice latte on Thursday.  I was immediately reminded that pumpkin flavors should be available year round.

The dividers at Orange Leaf are brilliant!

Pregnancy travel plans mapped out for the year include Washington D.C. to see The Campbells and a long-weekend trip to Las Vegas for Rodger and Lisa's 50th birthdays.

The Vera Bradley outlet sale is coming up in a few weeks and my excitement can't be summarized in a single sentence or two.

Alright, time to get back to my Gossip Girl marathon.

Much love,

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