
Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby Blowouts

My lovely friends are giving us their gently used jumper for Baby Sieb.

"Listen," Scott said. "I wouldn't take a used jumper from anyone. And I definitely wouldn't buy one from Goodwill. But our son broke the first one because was too big, so we got a new one recently; it's barely used. So there is no puke, puke, pee, or stains on it."

Obviously, this lead to the discussion of baby blowouts.

"Can you imagine if I am holding my baby and it get poops all over me?!"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IMAGINE?!" Scott and Chad asked at the same time.

"Oh, that will absolutely happen to you," Chad added. "More than once probably."

The stories kept rolling and everyone kept laughing.

"But despite everything, everything is worth it, right?" I asked.

They both smiled and nodded their head "yes."

"Definitely," Chad said. "I wouldn't have more than one if I thought differently."

So while getting pooped and puked on is in my near future, I am still stupidly excited.

I can't wait to meet this little nugget that's growing in my belly!

Baby Sieb looking like a Teddy Graham at 10 weeks!
Next week, (s)he will be SO much bigger!!!

In the meantime, do you have any hilarious baby blowout stories to share?

Much love,

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