
Monday, April 8, 2013

Calling All Moms

In the coming weeks, Justin and I will start working on the nursery + create our baby registry.

If you're a mom (or even a babysitter or just know someone with kids), what is one or two things you can't live without?

What makes your life easier?

What is something you wish you knew about months before you ever had it?

What does your little one love to play with, read, or watch?  

Oh, and you're all amazing people. Being a mother is a 24-hour job...for the rest of your life.

Some days, I'm simply so exhausted from working all day + attempting to work out....and when I come up, I just want to lay around and watch Gossip Girl. 

But for moms with kids (or even more than on kid), you don't get that luxury. 

In a few short months, I won't get that luxury....

So for what it's worth- I think you're amazing.

Actually, I think you're a super hero!!

Thanks in advance for your positive advice and inspiring input on your must-have items!! Comment below, send me a Facebook message, Tweet me, or email me directly at

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh girl. We need to get lunch and talk in depth about this! Here are my top 3:

    One thing that really helped was the Rock and Play Sleeper. It's perfect for in-room sleeping, easy to move around the house, and inexpensive! I'd say that is my #1. I've bought it for friends who didn't even have it on their registry and they thanked me profusely :)

    Also, nursing tank tops! That is all I wore for the first few months. But they make cute ones so you can wear them with a cardigan and a necklace and it looks like your normal clothes.

    Get a good glider. I am fairly stingy about purchases, but my mom was like "oh no girl... we are splurging on this" and bought me a fully-upholstered glider. I have spent about a million hours in it. Two years later, Charlie and I still sit in it for about an hour each night to read before bed. It is my fave piece of furniture in my entire house! However, the matching ottoman isn't a necessity. I found an ottoman on sale at Target for $30 and got that instead of the matching $125 one (you're welcome for that tip, Justin).

    Obsessed with you and the baby! All my love!
