
Friday, April 5, 2013

Favorite Outfit Friday: April 5

In elementary school, I remember always saving my favorite outfit for Friday.

Let's not discuss my definition of "favorite" at the time....because that could mean I was wearing a floral dress with sandals (AND SOCKS). Yes, I did that...I'll try to dig up some pictures for you. Although, I'm pretty sure my sister Sarah has one saved up for blackmail somewhere...haha!

Or maybe my "favorite outfit" meant I was wearing an over sized Garfield t-shirt...even though I never really watched Garfield?

Either way, the habit of saving my favorite outfit for Friday has continued with me 20 years later!

Love my necklace? Me too.
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Pregnancy is no excuse to give up your love for fashion and beauty. 

But if you want to wear a Garfield sweater or sandals with socks- then by golly sister, you rock it. I'm not here to judge. 

Just love. 

Much love,

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