
Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Day Date and Mom Inspiration

J and I had a fun day-date together today.

I told him on Friday that it is hard to believe we only have 11 weeks of left until our little guy arrives. No longer just the two of us...

Walking down the street, I looked in the mirror and realized how pregnant I am. 

"Holy cow!" I said. "My bump is no joke!"

Justin got a huge smile on his face and put his hand on my belly. 

"And I love it," he said. 

When we got to the restaurant, Justin did what he normally does...he takes small pieces of the straw wrapper and turns it into a small ball. Then he tries to shot the tiny ball in my cleavage. 

He made it on the first try. 

I was too hungry and tired to care where it landed - and didn't feel like flashing the entire restaurant to pick out the straw ball. 

Fun fact - I went to the bathroom later tonight and that straw ball fell out from my pants / underwear!! Don't even ask how that happened ....

Anyway, after lunch we walked next door to a new coffee shop and tap room in Richmond, called Roscoes. 

I was overwhelmed (in a good way) with drink options. A few of my favorite latte types include: 

Peanut butter & jelly 
Turtle cheesecake 
Blueberry cheesecake 
Butter rum
Almond joy
Salted caramel 
French toast 

"I just love this place!" I told Justin right away. "It just makes my heart sing!"

They also severed beer, local craft beer, and sandwiches that made me want to eat another lunch!  

I ended up picking a pumpkin chai - you guys know I have a weakness for anything pumpkin. 

I walked around the building - soaking in the music, laughter of children with their parents, and the local artwork. 

They had a stage in the back room where musicians, poets, and comedian come to perform. 

This is my kind of place. 

Realizing I am 29 weeks today, I snapped this baby bump selfie in the bathroom mirror. 

Yes, I am wearing jeggings. 

And yes, they are incredibly comfortable.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw a mom joking with her kids that she was singing on the stage. 

I smiled at her and she laughed. Embarrassed, she said, "Sorry!" 

And her kids laughed harder because a stranger busted her in the act! 

But she had nothing to be sorry for...she was being a fun mom. 

A mom who isn't afraid to be herself and make her kids laugh. 

A mom that teaches her kids to love life at all times. 

I hope that I am that kind of mom. 

Much love, 

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