
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cute Husband Shout Out

"Do you think I should change before we go to dinner?" I asked Justin. 

Before he could answer, I asked another question, "Or will you be embarrassed to be seen with me dressed like this?" 

Dressed like this = comfy workout pants and my Jada Beauty t-shirt aka my good luck outfit!!! 

(More details about Vegas day 1 coming soon). 

He laughed and said, "No baby- not at all!" 

"Okay well there will be hot girls out here," I said back feeling frumpy. 

"There always will be hot girls," Justin said. "But you'll be the most beautiful pregnant woman everywhere we go!" 

He is both honest and precious. 

Also, I ended up changing for dinner (in case you were wondering). 

Much love, 

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