
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Celebrating Little Moments

"Oh Coop, please go back to bed," I begged him as I rocked the bassinet. "Please let mommy sleep in. Just 30 more minutes."

Just as I was about to pull myself out of bed, Justin said he would get up with Cooper.

"Just let me brush my teeth and get dressed for work," Justin said. "I'll get him!" 

Instead of 30 minutes, I got an extra TWO HOURS of sleep. I woke up feeling so refreshed! So during Coop's morning nap, I decided to see if I could finally fit into some pre-baby clothes.

To my surprise, my Banana Republic shirt fit! The shirt was a little tight, but at least I can breathe / don't have a giant muffin top!

Pre-baby clothes for the win!
When I got downstairs, I noticed that Justin had made (Starbucks) coffee for me. Even better? He left out a coffee cup for me. My favorite coffee up.

My grandpa always leaves my grandma's coffee cup out for her.
Every morning.
And today, Justin did that for me.
Life is full of little moments that are easy to dismiss or overlook. And as a new mom, I find myself appreciating even MORE small moments.

Taking a hot shower.

Getting extra hour of sleep.

Eating dinner at the same time as my husband - instead of taking shifts eating so one of us can hold or feed Coop.

Watching "The Voice" after dinner.
Coop and I both have a crush on Kat.
Enjoying a trip to the gym.

Walking Bandit on a perfect Fall evening.

Snuggling with a happy baby.

Best smile.
Painting my nails.

Calling an old friend to catch up on life.

Emailing a dear friend that moved away for a life update.

Getting the kitchen table organized (yes, all of our clutter ends up on our kitchen table).

Having time to put away the socks in the infamous sock basket .

Dancing across the living room with my babes.

Don't be too busy.

Too negative.

Too stressed.

Too scared.

Or too upset to enjoy life's little moments.

This morning, I made an honest effort to appreciate every extra minute of sleep.

I gave myself a high-five when I fit into that Banana Republic shirt.

And I sent Justin a text message thanking him for leaving out my favorite coffee cup for the day.

As I push forward with today, I'm reminded that I'm so blessed to get time with Cooper at home. Some moms are already back to work at this point. Even though I'm incredibly sad my leave is already half-way over, I feel so lucky to get another 5.5 weeks with Coop!!

My beautiful baby boy.

What little moment(s) will you celebrate today? 

Much love,

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