
Sunday, November 10, 2013

My Favorite Face

just can't handle Coop (in a good way). 

He is so adorable. 

And hilarious. 

I take about 32 pics of him each day!! I'm sure you have noticed - unless my obsessive posts took over your newsfeed and you deleted or blocked me.

But I think that is just crazy - who wouldn't want to see this cuteness every single day!? 

My heart: 

Coop has made this whole being a mom experience pretty amazing. Just a few minutes ago, I cried just looking at him. 

And as I write this blog post from my phone, he is laying in my arms. Sleeping.

And smiling. 

Sleeping and smiling and laughing - the triple threat of cuteness. 

I know everyone says this, but I have the sweetest, best baby in the world. And I wouldn't trade this love I feel for anything in the world. No job or fancy home or diamond or vacation or wardrobe could ever fill my heart with this much love and pride. 

I just feel so complete when I look into his eyes. And he smiles or makes a hilarious expression. 

How did I ever get so lucky!? I'll never stop counting my blessings and being thankful for this life I live...

Much love, 

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