
Sunday, July 11, 2010

72 Lives

Would you believe me if I told you that the death of one person extended the life of 72 other people?

You should.

Because Rick Girod saved, changed, or impacted 72 lives through his death. That means 144 parents had their son or daughter saved because of Rick passing away. So, Rick's death didn't just affect the people in Indiana. In our small town. In our circle of friends. In his family. He affected the lives of so many people. His decision to donate changed the life of hundreds of people. Maybe thousands.

I only know this because I ran into his mother and father last night. As I was walking over to see the Girods, I kept thinking about how this time of year was probably so hard for them. It was five years this past Fourth of July.

His mother is a beautiful, strong woman and greeted me with a huge smile. She instantly asking me questions and congratulating me on my recent marriage.

She went on to tell me that Abbey had shared with her the link to my blog that I recently wrote about Rick passing away. We shared ideas about starting a blog or forum for family and friend's to write stories and memories about Rick.

First memory.

Best memory.

Favorite trip.

Biggest lesson.

Last memory.....

We want to hear it all....from everyone. I'm so excited and honored to help establish this Web site/blog for her and his family/friends.

Stories truly bring people together. And that is one of the biggest reasons I love's so powerful.


Rick is a angel still among us. He is a true hero. Rick told his mother that he wanted to be an organ donor just two weeks before he died. After Corey passed away, he knew donating was something he wanted to do. No one knew that it would happen so soon....

He has touched so many lives and I am honored to have known Rick. I'm so thankful that I can see his family and friends to celebrate his life and all that he accomplished in his short years on this earth.

I hope you will all participate and share stories when we get the Web site up and running. Stay posted.

This is one's for Rick's family and loved ones.....

Much love,

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