
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ketchup On My Potatoes

The rain was pouring when I drove home from work. While the stormy days make me appreciate the sunny days, my mind definitely wonders deeper during the darker days.

When I came home, I was pleased to see Justin. He was all dressed up in his dress clothes. His dress shirt wasn't tucked in, but it looked sexy that way.

The best part was that he had dinner completely ready. It made me smile. My little Iron Chef.

"Hey babe," Justin yelled from the kitchen. "Do you like ketchup on your potatoes?"

I did. A lot actually. But I didn't always like ketchup on my potatoes. I saw my Grandpa Larry do it for years. He put ketchup on EVERYTHING! Eggs, potatoes, potato chips, and toast. I'm pretty sure he loved ketchup as much as I loved ranch dressing.

Even though I said I'd never pick him on Grandpa's habits- like sitting around in my underwear, yelling when anyone changed the channel, and drenching everything in ketchup...I did. Nearly all my friends have seen me lounge in my undies and Justin knows he better not even THINK about changing the channel during The Bachlorette or Greys Anatomy. And I put ketchup on everything.

But the crazy part about the whole situation is that I've been thinking about Grandpa Larry a lot lately. He passed away in high school. In March, just days before my mom's birthday. My mom is an insanely strong woman. I've only seen her cry hard twice in my entire life. One of those days was when we got the call about Grandpa.

My wedding present from Justin was a locket with my Grandpa Larry's picture in it. I put it in my bouquet on my wedding day. Walking down the isle with my handsome dad, I had my dream man in front of me and my amazing grandpa watching above me- and close to my heart. But what touched me the most was the way that Justin described my Grandpa in the letter he wrote me the night before our wedding. Justin never got the chance to meet Grandpa Larry, but knew so much about him. Justin soaked in all the stories I told about going fishing with Grandpa. He laughed at all the pranks Grandpa played. And Justin knew that he and Grandpa would get along great.

**Devin walking Grandma Iris down the isle.

I miss my Grandpa. But just as the sun is sure to shine after a stormy night, Justin made me smile when I walked home from work.

"Yes, I love ketchup on my potatoes," I said back.

Always in my heart, forever in spirit- I love you Grandpa.

Much love,

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