
Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Save A Life

"Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life"

The lyrics above are from the song "How to Save a Life" by The Fray. I always think of my dear friends Corey Shaffer and Rick Girod when I hear this song. It reminds me of the importance of doing all I can to help save a life.

I've written about both Corey & Rick before. Quite a few times actually. Their deaths changed my outlook on life. The way I view daily interactions with people. The way that I believe in second chances. The way that I value the simple things in life. I'll never forget both of their smiles and love for life.

They were both in car accidents, which ended up taking their lives. But before they passed on, they recieved blood units in effort to save their life.

Did you know that one pint of blood can save up to three lives?

Less than an hour of your day, and you can save three lives.

Three mothers have their child back. Three brothers have their sister back. Three friends have their best friend back. Three dads have their little girl back. Three wives get their husband to wrap in their arms around again. Three children will get their parent back.

You can do it. With just an hour of your time.

If I still haven't convinced you to donate blood yet, then consider this:
  • Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
  • More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every single day.
  • More than 1 million new people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment.
And lastly, the final statistic is why we do a blood drive every year in honor of Corey & Rick.

A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood.

For the last five years, Abbey Foster & Ashley Brune have graciously organized a blood drive in memory of their former boyfriends and best friends. With the help of family members, friends, and even complete strangers, they have helped the American Red Cross collect:
2006--92 units

2007--88 units

2008--87 units

2009--97 units

Doing the math, that is 364 units. We have potentially saved 1,092 lives. Unbelievable. One small event can have such a lasting impact.

Our hope to recieve more than 100 units this year. A lot more. We can do it. Let's break 100 this year!!


The blood drive is Saturday, December 18 · 9:00am - 3:00pm. The blood drive will take place in Zion Lutheran's Gym 1010 W. Monroe St. Decatur, IN 46733.

If you have questions about donating, please visit Or please feel free to contact me, Abbey Foster, or Ashley Brune directly. We will be happy to answer any of your questions.

You can also sign up for an appointment by sending a message to Ashley or Abbey through the Facebook event, 5th Annual Blood Drive in Memory of Rick Girod and Corey Shaffer.

I hope you will save the date to make a difference. To save a life.

Much love,

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite holidays. You get to eat amazing food, watch football, visit with family and don't have to worry about a gift exchange. But mainly, I love the holiday because it makes you realize the importance of traditions. Family traditions.

Growing up with divorced parents, I never really felt like I had a "tradition" - as one holiday was with my mom and the next was with dad. I never went to the same place. I didn't sit in the same chair and play with the same kids. I didn't eat the same food and I didn't hug the same people. It was different. Every year.

Now that I am grown up, I realize that the rotation was my tradition. The change of scenery, food, and people was my tradition as a child. Which probably explains my ability to adapt to change well. I don't hate change. I embrace it. I love doing new things, meeting new people, and eating different foods. It also taught me to be thankful for people you see once a year. Because odds are you won't see them the next year. So hug them hard and long. More importantly, laugh every second you get.

I learned all of this through my tradition.

When I met Justin, his family was full of traditions. One in particular was eating oysters at Thanksgiving. Um, oysters? Last time I checked they looked like giant snot bubbles. No thank you.

"You aren't going to get welcomed into the family unless you eat a raw oyster, Ashley," I remember Justin saying. "We do it every year, and you don't want to be the only one who doesn't eat one."

Oh no. I am toast. I've only been dating this boy for three months and he wants me to eat an oyster? And a raw one at that? I'm definitely out of the family. And I am hardly in yet.

"And really, you just open up your throat and let it slide back," he said. "You don't have to chew it."

"Well, I won't be chewing it or swallowing it," I said. "Because I am not eating one of those giant boogers!"

Four years later, I am addicted to oysters. Eat them every single year at Thanksgiving. In fact, we even just bought some for my family's Thanksgiving meal.

The best part about traditions is sharing them. So whether your tradition is eating raw oysters or changing places each year, I hope you embrace your traditions, even if you don't realize they exist yet. You will one day.

Travel safely and love graciously.

Oh and, GO COWBOYS! =)

Much love,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

100th Post = Sneak Peak: Cierra's Senior Pictures

My baby sister is almost 18. It's hard to imagine that she will be going to college next year. She is growing up before my very eyes. Justin & I took her senior pictures on Saturday. Justin was the photographer pictures and I was the scene director & fashion director. Cierra was a fabulous model, completely beautiful. We made a great team.

So my darling, my 100th blog post is dedicated to you. I am so proud to be your sister.

Can someone say model?

Proud Wes Del Warrior! =)


Of course, Ashley had to jump in on a few.

She is obsessed with Monster!

I made her laugh. So cute.

Monster, do you need another model?

"The best part about having a sister is you always have a friend."

You are beautiful. I love you very much Cierra. I wish you all the success and happiness in life.

Much love,

Dying to be Thin...

"I'll be right back- I'm just going to run to the gas station," I said to my family right after eating our Christmas dinner.

But I didn't go to the gas station. I went to my house.

Slammed the door behind me, rushed to the bathroom, and turned the shower on.

But I wasn't taking a shower.

I made myself sick.

I don't know how my eating disorder started. I can't pin point a certain day, person, or event that triggered the first time I decided to make myself sick. Perhaps, it was a boy. A hard day at school. Or A TV show. I'm not truly sure. In fact, a lot of that time period is a blur for me. I was getting thin and people were noticing. I liked the attention, but the reality was I was sick. Really sick.

And I didn't want anyone to know my secret. My secret hiding in the bathroom. My key to ....happiness? No. My key to...losing weight? Yes. But it wasn't a good key. It was an awful key that unlocked a horrible side of myself.

I can't say I regret doing it because I am a stronger person for going through it, living through it, and conquering the battle of scale v. Ashley. Living in regret never lets you move forward- because you are living in the unchangeable past. For awhile, I was definitely ashamed. But now I believe sharing my story might help other people. Might raise awareness to a SERIOUS issue that literally tears apart your body. Literally, the inside and outside of you is destroyed by starving yourself and making yourself sick. Emotionally and physically you are weak. You aren't healthy. You are dying, to be thin.


I remember being a senior in high school. We had just got back from a cheerleading trip and my throat was starting to hurt. I coughed up blood. That was the first time I realized how serious my illness had became.

Wow, I'm literally killing myself.

What if I die?

What if I die young? My children won't have a mother if I continue this and have children? All because I'm too selfish to live a healthy lifestyle.

Each and every time I make myself sick, I'm taking a day off my life. And so I told myself I was done living this way. I would get better. And going away to college, I'd surely get busted puking in a dorm room. No one can be that sick, that often.

I was taking back control of my life.

It was so hard, especially after the first Christmas. I would always binge after eating such heavy meals. There would be times when no one was home and I would eat an ENTIRE frozen pizza. Only to rush to the bathroom.

In less than a year, I had gone from 225 lbs to 159 lbs. My hip bones were sticking out. My hair was thinning. I was always cold and my energy was always low. That's where the diet pills came in. The Stackers gave me the energy I was missing from food. I was a mess. Plain and simple.

It's all about control. You think you are in control when you have an eating disorder. But you aren't. The disease controls your every thought, every move, and every decision. I would constantly think about my next meal. And plan an escape route to the bathroom. I'd make myself sick at school, work, friends house, and my own home. I didn't have a problem eating, as long as I made it come back up.


I did make myself sick a few times  in college. I remember one day specifically, I'd ate a lot and I hated how I felt. I was having a rough day and pulled out a plastic bag. Made myself sick and then ran down the hallway to throw it away in the community trash can. I felt so embarrassed. I had done so well, and I just threw it all away. For what? One pound? If that?

But that's the last time I can remember doing it, so I'll be celebrating five years in remission of my eating disorder.

Do I think about doing it again? Yes.

Do I? No. Because I make decisions.

I am in control. For real, this time.

And having an extremely loving and supportive husband certainly helps. Justin, my love, I wouldn't be able to get through this without you. I opened up to Justin about my illness and he accepted me 100%. He held my hand when I wanted to run. He told me I was beautiful when I felt worthless. And he told me that no matter what, above all, I should never make myself sick ever again. But more importantly, he told me I had to do this for me, not him or anyone else. I had to believe in myself and the rest would be easy.

I'm still working on that part, but life is a journey of self-discovery. And I'm still figuring myself out.

Learning and loving myself more and more...every single day.

And one day, when I have a little daughter. I'll teach her the importance of being healthy and respecting your body. I'll hope she has a healthy relationship with food. I'll tell her that feeling fat is simply a feeling, a perception that controls your own reality. She is beautiful. She will always be beautiful, especially if she loves herself first and foremost. Always and forever.

So if you, or you know someone is sick. Tell them you know. Don't baby them. Tell them they need help. And they need to do it for them. Because they are killing themselves. No different than a drug, the disease has a control of their lives. They will be mad. They will be in denial, but one day they will thank you. One day they will love you- only then will they love themselves.

Cheers to celebrating my 5th year in a remission of my eating disorder. I wouldn't have done it without the constant love and support from my family and friends. Even for those who never knew I had a problem, thinking and feeling their contagious love truly made a difference. Every time my dad said he was proud of me, I wanted to make him be proud of who I truly was. When my Grandma Kaye told me I was beautiful, I wanted to believe it. When my mom said I looked like I was losing weight, I wanted to say I was exercising and eating healthy. My friends, many of whom know about my eating disorder now, always remind me of the importance of being healthy. When I look at old pictures with them and talk about how skinny I was, they always say, "Yes, bu you weren't healthy." And we move on. End of discussion. They are right.

And sharing my story really helps. I even wrote about it in a school project. The assignment was a Creative Self Portrait. All about me. So I embraced the opportunity to tell others and hopefully open a few eyes, maybe save a few lives.

Talking about it helps by bringing back memories of a person I never want to be again- helps me love and respect myself more. And you can never have enough love and respect for yourself, except for maybe The Situation off the Jersey Shore. He might love himself a little too much.

Much love,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Dog Zip: The Life & Death of a Beloved Guard Dog

Have you ever heard of the movie, "My Dog Skip?" The dog looks exactly like Zippy, who has been in our family for the past 11 years.

This is Skip:

This is Zip:

This is the only picture I could find of Zippy, but it certainly fits him perfectly. Guarding the house.

Dad called me today and told me that he had bad news. I knew something was up since he called me during the day. I usually don't get day phone calls unless something is wrong.

When I called him back, he told me that Zippy was hit by a car.

My heart sank.

"It's just hard," Dad said. "You know, because we have had him for 11 years. That's a long time."

I thought back to when Dad first got Zippy and brought him home. Seems like just yesterday.

Zippy would ALWAYS chase cars. He would follow them in and lead them out. I always thought I was going to hit him. He got so close, so many times. I think he had about 405000.098 lives. But I know he was just doing it to protect us. He was looking after our family.

And since he had "Little Dog Syndrome" - he always had to check the scene when anyone would come to the house. Leave the house. Or drive by slowly. He wasn't going to let ANYONE get into our house without his approval. Or sniffs. And if he really liked you, he would wag his tail and follow you. Begging for some lovin'.

The one thing will I remember most about Zippy was his compulsive obsession with humping Sadie, our black lab who was put to sleep last winter. I'm pretty sure I learned about sex from Zippy. (Kidding, but seriously he was the dog version of Tiger Woods- a true hump addict).

"Well dad," I started. "The good news is he is finally with Sadie again. Up in doggie Heaven. He just missed her too much. And I'm sure he is humping her as we speak."

Dad laughed a little, and that made me feel good because he was really upset.

"Yeah, you are right," he said. "I never thought about it like that. I'll have to tell Beth you said that."

I do believe that all dogs go to Heaven. Mainly because the movie All Dogs Go To Heaven (1 & 2) made me believe in the doggie spiritual world. But it makes the loss easier, imaging him up in Heaven running around with Sadie. Stopping for hump breaks. Then running around again. Like puppies.

You'll be missed Zippy- forever in our hearts.

Much love,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Don’t Live Your Life With a Cop In Your Rear View Mirror

Last week, I started my morning out with a mistake. A HUGE mistake. I weighed myself, stepped onto the scale- something no girl should ever do to start their day. Unlike our bank account, when the number goes up-- it is a terrible thing.

I have to open a cabinet, place the scale on the ground, and step on it. Then I let out a gigantic sigh. Justin knew what I just did.

He walked into the bathroom and grabbed me behind my waist and said, “I don’t care what that scale says, you are still beautiful.”

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Thanks baby,” I said. “And it can only get better from here, right? Just have to move forward.”

“Exactly,” he said. “Oh and I thought of something the other day. I wanted to share it with you.”

I love his little nuggets of wisdom.

“So I was driving home from work and a cop was behind me. I was going the speed limit and obviously I wasn’t drunk driving or anything. But I got nervous and I was watching him more than the road. And it made me realize that I was actually driving worse because I was too focused on him being behind me. And life is a lot like that, if you are too busy starring behind you in the past you will never be able to look forward and do the right things.”

Holy smokes. Justin literally just said something so inspiring. As he was talking, I was jotting down mental notes for my blog.

He is exactly right. I drive like a moron when a cop is behind me. I’m worried about my every move and I am unable to focus on what is happening in front of me. Other cars. Other people. It’s dangerous. And it’s unhealthy to live your life while constantly looking in the past- unable to see what’s right in front of you! Unable to embrace the moment. Do the right thing- for today. And move forward.

So when the cop is behind you, don’t worry. He still stay behind you. Or pass you. Possibly pull you over. But either way, the most important thing is to remember to focus on the road ahead of you and only glance in the past- to make sure he is still behind you. And to confirm you are doing the right thing.

“Babe, that is awesome- I’m so proud of you for thinking like that and coming up with this story!” I said.

I gave him an air high five because at this point he started dancing.

A victory dance (and he proved his mad dancing skills at our wedding too, right ladies and gents?)

And shook his little booty all the way to the door, with one hand in the air and a coffee thermal in the other.

“That’s right!” he said as he continued dancing.

What would life be like without him?

I’m just glad I have him to remind to look forward more than backward.

Much love,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Love & Marriage: Six Months Later

"Do you know where we are?" Justin asked me after he walked me over to a porch.

It was snowing and I was sick. 

I took a look around. He caught me off guard.

Number one, I just chugged some cough syrup.

Number two, he had a shit-eating grin on his face and I thought he was going to do something crazy. Like spell his name in snow with his pee.

"Um, yeah," I said. "This is the house that we first met at."

He smiled really big. As snow flakes were falling all around us, he got down on one knee.

"And this is the house where I want to make sure we begin the rest of our lives together. Ashley, will you marry me?"

Of course I stood there in shock and questioned if this was real life. I stuck out both hands - mainly because I don't know my right from left on a good day (let alone when I'm sick) and said, "YES!!" Then we started making out on the front porch. No clue who lived there....

Look at us, little newly engaged Siebwells on Dec. 6, 2008.

So then we practiced the big day.

Then we celebrated Justin's birthday after the rehearsal dinner. 

The morning of the wedding, the boys went golfing.

And I was sick (again)- so I blew my nose all morning.

Yes, this was me on our wedding day. And yes, those were used tissues. Eeek.

But I cleaned up nicely.

 The Starbucks probably helped perk me up too. Oh, and the shot in the butt I received the day before the wedding.

I soaked it all in. And prayed Justin would think I was the most beautiful bride he'll ever see.

I remembered to show off my hot pink toenails, ready for the warm sand.

And played with my beautiful bridesmaids until I walked down the isle.

Then my daddy walked me down the isle to meet my best friend and future husband.

And so the story goes, that Justin cried when he saw me.

And then I realized I was the most beautiful bride he will ever see.

Then Pastor B surprised us with an enterprising service that made me smile. And thankful for the blessing of God in our lives and marriage. And he encouraged us to remember that love is an action. And marriage takes work.

So we said our vows and prayers. And couldn't stop smiling at each other, madly in love.

Then he kissed his bride.

And we did our special dance.

And shoved cake in our faces.

Then partied down all night.

And here we are today, six months later.

Still happy and madly in love.

I'm so blessed. And I wouldn't trade Justin or our wedding day for the world. It was remarkable. And everyone who was a part of our day, a tremendous thank you- as if I haven't thanked you enough.

What a blessing my life has become.

And I can only hope and pray that one day, Justin and I are the old couple slow dancing last during the anniversary song. He will be farting and clearing the dance floor and I'll be grabbing his butt.

Much love,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Darlin' You Can Only Control Your Reaction

I was only eighteen when I got some of the best advice from my father. It has stuck with me ever since then and I share it with many people.

And certainly live by his words of wisdom.

I had just broken up with a boyfriend. Our relationship lasted only a few months and it was long distance. And since I was going to college in a different town. If our relationship should continue, it would be long distance still. Some people can't handle long distance. And he couldn't.

I remember exactly where I was crying. In front of the garage at my dad's house. He came outside to smoke and asked if I was okay.

"Yes,"I said. "No. Maybe. I don't know. I'm just upset."

I explained my situation and he quickly asked me a question.

"Ashley, let me ask  you something," he said. "Can you control when it rains?"

What in the heck is he talking about, I thought. I am talking about a heart break and here is asking about the weather. This isn't small talk dad.

"Um, no not really," I said.

"Well, the answer is no, you can't," he said. "But-" he started. And then gave me a big smile- the one that flashes his dimples and lights up any room, "But you can control what you wear when it rains."

I thought about for a minute.

"Well, people are like weather Ash," he continued. "You can't control what they say and do, but you can control how YOU react to what they say and do. You will never control another person. Ever. Once you realize that, life will be a lot easier."

It made perfect sense. But not that the time. I wanted to make my ex-boyfriend be with me. I wanted to make him say all the right things.

But I took my dad's advice and let him go.

And thankfully, I did because my found my Justin a year later.

I try to apply that advice to all people and situations.

Some things are simply out of our control.

And there is nothing we can control except our reaction.

So wear rain boots when it rains and think about how you will respond when someone hurts you. Because those are really your only options. Trying to do anything else will just destroy your day and mind.

Oh, and smile knowing your parents are right sometimes. A lot of the times- and you learn that and appericate it more as you grow up.

Much love,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm a Former Marine, I Know How To Take Care of My Own

I just got off the phone with my dad. He called to wish me a happy birthday and catch up on life. I love talking to him. Seriously, we have the same mind. I've learned a lot from him and as I grow older, it amazes me how much alike we are.

And yesterday was the Marine Corps. birthday.

Today is Veteran's Day. My birthday.

My dad is a Marine! I think he planned for me to be born on this holiday...(big smiles).

I am reminded of a funny story. When my dad told me these scary words. Well actually my dad didn't tell me these words, a man in uniform told me said those words.


"I just want to go home!" I yelled into the phone. "Drew, please come pick me up."

I called my best friend to come pick me up from a graduation party. I was upset over a boy.

"On my way, Ash," he said back.

Drew was coming from a wedding reception, but he was kind enough to drive out of his way for me. When he got there, I jumped in the front seat and started crying. Telling him my story and swearing off boys. Dramatic? Yes- that might have been my middle name.

He was speeding. Nothing crazy, but it was a 30 mph zone (which really could have been a 50 mph) zone and he was going about nine over.

Sure enough, got pulled over. Great, I thought. But wasn't too worried. I would just play off the "I'm upset" card if he asked what's wrong with the crying girl in the front seat.

But lucky me, the cop came to MY side of the car. I rolled down the window. Beer breathe and all.

"In a hurry?" he asked.

"No, sir- just taking my friend home," Drew said.

"Have any of you kids been drinking tonight?" He asked.

I stared at him like a deer in headlights.

"Yes or no," he asked again. Demanding a response.

I still said nothing, but Drew said, "No sir!"

Well Drew wasn't drinking, but I sure had.

Oh boy, well I didn't lie - because I didn't respond.

"Ok, I need to see your drivers licenses," the cop said. "All of you."

Oh my goodness. I thought. Here we go.

And then I said the dumbest thing of my life, "Officer, I just want you to know my drivers license says at the top of it probationary license because I wasn't supposed to drive with passengers in more car for 90 days when I first got my license, but I am 17 now."

What the hell was I even talking about? And why did I even say that?

"Mam, can you step out of the car please?" he said.

And there it all started. He made me take a breathalyzer. The first time I didn't blow, I sucked on it. Like a straw.

"Blow!" he said.

I let out a little POOF.

"HARDER!" he said.

Okayyyy getting cranky, I thought.

All or nothing - here we go.

I was praying I wouldn't blow much. Because I only had a few beers.

And my eyes were blood shot from the tears, not the beers.

"0.01," he said. "Put your hands on the car."

Thank you very much zero tolerance law.

Okay, I'm toast. My life is over and I'm never going to college. I'm never going to be a famous writer. I'm never going to get married. Because I'll be in jail my whole life. (Dramatic)

He searched my purse and found my diet pills. Green tea diet pills. They were in a plastic bag. So all he saw was green and a plastic bag.

What do you think he thought it was?

Yeah, so I reply, "Officer - those are my diet pills. I think I am fat and I am trying to lose weight."

My mom wasn't home, so he drove me out to my dad's house. He walked inside first. Woke him and Beth up.

I am seriously toast.

"YEAHHHH TOAST- FRENCH TOASTT!" I sang. Okay, now is not the time to be funny, I told myself.

I saw him walking back out to the, and I had no idea what my fate was for the evening.

"Well, I asked your dad what he wanted me to do with you," he said. "And he told me that he is a former Marine- and he knows how to take care of his own."

"Just take me to the drunk tank," I said.

Instead, he walked me into my dad's house. Hand cuffed. I've never been more ashamed. Well, maybe a few other times.

But it taught me a valuable lesson that night - don't call Drew to pick me up if I've been drinking until I'm 21. (Kidding, it taught me a few other lessons too).

And it made me appreciate my dad so much more. It made me realize how much he really has gone through in his life. He is a Marine. Always.

And no, I didn't have to do push-ups until my arms fell off. We talked about life and that's what I love most about my dad. Thank you daddy, for serving and projecting our country. But especially for protecting me- from the drunk tank.

Much love,

Monday, November 8, 2010

Brittany Raymond-Arnold Grand Slam Benefit

Yesterday I was driving to meet with Kristin Matthews in Broad Ripple. The sun was bright and my windows were down. But I wasn't playing any music. I didn't need to. The only song playing in my head was by Billy Joel, "Only The Good Die Young"

Our mission that day: plan the softball tournament for Brittany Raymond Arnold, who passed away in a car accident on Sept. 12. I find it hard to believe it's almost been 2 months already...

"Darlin' only the good die young -- that's what I say. Only the good die- young...."

We got a lot accomplished and I'm glad that we got to meet up. Brittany's family and Kristin got together the Saturday before to start brainstorming ideas too. Sooo here is what you've missed :)

Name of the event: "Brittany Raymond-Arnold Grand Slam Benefit

Brief Overview:  It will be a double elimination blind draw tournament so that all teams are guaranteed 2 games. We are suggesting 9 people per team.We will have an "early bird" special for signing up. $10/person before a certain date and $15/person after that date. 

The date is TBD - based on when Hanna Nutman will allow us to use the field. We are thinking probably a Saturday in May or June. Again, this will be posted as TBD as soon as we find out! :) So if you are reading this person and YOU ARE the person who needs to make that decision, please let us know. Or if you know the person in charge, please let them know! 

More fun facts to know and tell:

  • We will have a 50/50 raffle using random prizes donated from businesses.
  • We plan on having a jump house, DJ, and cookout during the event to draw in people even if they're not playing.
  • There needs to be a captain of each team who is our main contact that we communicate with and is responsible for communicating with their team. 
  • Each team needs to provide us with a team name so we can keep track of who plays when.
  • There will be a 1 hour time limit on games.
  • When teams sign up they need to provide us with the names of all team members and their shirt sizes. 

Now- the pressing question, what I do now? 

You can help now- yes, already.

Here is how:
  • starting asking around for donations for the raffle prizes (cash, gift card, certificates for hair salons, etc.) 
  • make a donation
  • can you or anyone you know DJ? We are looking for someone to volunteer that day to help bring their personality, enteratinment skills, and music to the event :)
  •  tell us if you have any other creative, fun, or awesome ideas
  • TELL people about the event!
  • Start planning your team- if you don't have a team in mind, don't worry- you can post your interest on the Facebook page we will create. No one will be left out. Brittany wouldn't let alone be left out! And neither will WE!
  •  Sign up to bring food or drinks the day of the event. We want to cookout, so we will need some grill master volunteers and also hotdogs, hamburgers, buns, bottled water, etc. 
All donations (both for the education fund & door prizes) should be mailed to:

Kristin L. Matthews- primary contact of the event
415 F Canal Court North Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46202
cell: 260-223-1550
I'm excited to ball play with ya'll this summer. 

Much love,