
Friday, August 19, 2011

An Afternoon Date

On Wednesday, Justin and I both took a half day off at work. We needed a date together, and the fair seemed like the perfect place to indulge in both food and our relationship.

Lumberjack show!

He had such a cute accent. Seriously.

I could never ever do this...

Whoever could climb up and down the fastest wins. This dude is ranked 4th in the nation!

So fast.

The guy on the left is on his way down before the guy on the right is even up to the top!

log rolling. YES!

I think I could do this....

No I couldn't...

Best out of three!

Round 2!

He fell straight down...on his balls. And I caught it on camera.

Yet, he went for round 3.

And he won!


This is for you Gma Sieb! :)

They are playing your instrument Gma Sieb! :)

My life weakness.

Part of the stage that collapsed. So sad.

Why in the world would any child put this in their room?

Justin thought this was a chair for the bedroom. #suchaman

This was one of the most magical pictures I took all day. Four woman stood around the memorial and prayed. I literally almost cried...

He is too cute.

The coolest old man ever is HERE at the roasted corn tent! :) He double dipped our corn.

Fun! :)

If only we had some rum....

We may have tailgated before we went into the fair.

I'm not sure how I can eat bacon now after seeing these adorable little dudes.

Never will I ever....

Doughnut burger!

Corn on the cob!!

Yes, we definitely drove go-carts. =)

And the Bandit Sheep!

It was a perfect day with my best friend. People watching, horrible (for you) food, sweet tea and cute old people - what else could you ask for?!

Make time for dates with your loved ones. Morning. Afternoon. Night - it doesn't matter. Just make time.

Much love,

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