
Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Fun Facts

1- My diet has sucked lately. It all started last weekend with a bagel last Saturday. That one bagel set the tone for carb overload and emotional breakdown.

2- Running has also sucked and taken a backseat in my busy schedule (as I previously wrote and recorded a video about). I’m ready to take control of my health and fitness again. Tonight Justin and I are going on a bike ride (less impact on my knees) and then we are doing squats in the living room. I know what you are thinking and yes, we are adorable. Most of the time….But either way, it’s time to strengthen up my legs so I can kick butt in my next half marathon right before my 25th birthday.

3- Speaking of my 25th birthday, does anyone have any cool ideas for things to do? Party bus / limos are pretty expensive, so that might be out of the question. Do you know of any restaurants, bars, events that you think are definitely birthday worthy?

4- Next weekend, Justin and I don’t have anything on our calendar. Absolutely nothing. I can’t tell you how excited I am about that…and how needed a relaxing weekend is for the both of us.

5- Overall, I think these past few months are proof that life is like the ocean, promising both high and low tides. The important thing is that you stay on your boat, no matter what size of waves life crashes upon you. And if you fall off the boat, do everything in your power to keep your head above water.

Much love,

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