
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Do You Want to Run Six Miles for That?

I've been dreaming of a chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell for about four days straight now.

Four full days of craving that cheesy goodness.

So when I got off work today, I shamefully took the route home that would pass Taco Bell.

Then I saw someone running.

A random dude. That's when it hit me.

A chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell has 530 calories.

In order to burn off those calories, I'd have to run between 5 and 6 miles.

Do you want to run six miles for that chicken quesadilla, Ashley? 

That means I'd have to run for more than hour for something I can easily eat in less than 4 minutes. Maybe 3 (because I was INSANELY hungry).

"Screw that noise," I said out loud in my car.

But then the inner fat kid in me said, "No one would have to know...just don't write a blog tonight."

Then I pictured the old Ashley.

195 lb Ashley
My goal weight for the year.

The thinner Ashley.

193 lbs

The motivated Ashley.

About 202 lbs

The fitness inspired Ashley.

About 187 lbs.

And I thought of the beach.

And how I wanted to look good for our upcoming summer vacation.

"Even if no one else knows that you caved - you will know that you messed up...and you are most important," I reminded myself.

I turned up the music, pushed on the accelerator and kept driving.

I fuel my emotions with food.

I eat when I'm sad.

I eat when I'm happy.

I eat when I'm stressed.

I eat when I'm bored.

 But I'm trying to change my relationship with food.

And it will happen one step at time.

Speaking of steps, I started training for my fourth half marathon tonight.

I did 2 miles with an average pace of 11:32!


My last half marathon was about 13:40 or so.

My first half marathon was 14:30 something.

Maybe Sabrina and I will finish the race in under 2:45 (which has been our goal every single time).

I have a sneaky feeling this will be an amazing race for us, Bean! :)

So, I'm taking this one day at a time.

I am celebrating every single victory.

And soon enough. I'll be posting pictures of the new, healthier Ashley.

Much love,

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