
Monday, March 5, 2012

Winds of Emotion

Today was overwhelming.


A few moments I was sad.





A few times I laughed.

I smiled.

But overall, I would say my day was a wind of emotions.

When I came home, I tried to detox myself.

I grabbed a Diet Coke from McDonald's (my weakness and current addiction in life). 

I was welcomed with lots of kisses from Mr. Bandit, which SERIOUSLY helped.

Later in the night, my mom text me that my step dad was deployed to help the victims of the tornado in Henryville, Indiana.

He got there last night.

He said it was awful.

I wasn't fully ready for what my mom said next...

A whole family of five died.

A young family.

The dad was 21.

The mother was 19.

The babies were 3, 15 months and 2 months old.



It doesn't seem right.

It doesn't seem fair.

All I can think about is how a mother lost not only her children, but her grandchildren.

And here I am in the same state. Dwelling on my stresses of the day...which now suddenly seem so small.

When I think about the winds of the tornado that destroyed the town of Henryville, I feel selfish. I feel ridiculous for getting so worked up over the small things.

My wonderful company has agreed to match all the donations we bring in tomorrow for the tornado relief effort, which illustrates the compassion and support my company.

Tomorrow Justin and I are going to donate $50 in memory of that family. And in effort to give hope to those who are rebuilding their lives one day at time. Some with nothing. Some who lost absolutely everything.

The devastating tornado, which feels SO close to home, is a true reminder to count your blessings and not your problems.

Be thankful for the home over your head.

For the food on your table.

For the photos you proudly share on your walls.

For the clothes in your dressers.

For the people in your life.

And most importantly, if you are reading this've lived through another day.

And you have the gift of tomorrow.

Much love,

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