
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Your Year in Photos

I signed up to participate in a blogging project via smallbox called ThinkIt. Each morning, I get an email explaining the topic for the day.

Today, my topic was "your year in photos." As I lay here in bed - barely keeping my eyes open and blogging from my iPhone, I am reminded that my year could really be summed up in a single photo. 

A photo that captured the moment I held my son for the first time. 

The best day of my entire life. 

The love of my life.

Experiencing the miracle of pregnancy, labor, and birth was incredible. I count my blessings each day that Justin and I were able to get pregnant. 

The week I had Coop! Still hitting the gym and exercising!

Lord knows we tried- not as hard as some couples. But I can recall those heartbreaking moments of each failed pregnancy test...but every moment in life has a reason and purpose. 

Cooper was worth the wait. 

That smile.

Tomorrow will be my last Monday at home with Cooper during my maternity leave. I am devastated, to be completely honest. The thought of leaving him with a woman I barely know (even though seems so sweet and loves Coop already), just brings tears to my eyes. I was lucky get 12 full weeks off with my little love. My heart aches for woman who get any amount of time shorter than that...I never want to leave him. But I know I need to give working a shot. I will do my best to provide a good life for my sweet baby boy. But there is no denying how much I will miss him when we are apart. 

I will miss our daily snuggle sessions so much. 

I live for his snuggles.

I will miss watching LIVE with Kelly and Micheal with him each morning. 

Coop makes the BEST faces.

I will miss hearing him cry during tummy time every few hours. 

Finally, a moment of tummy time when Coop ISN'T crying!

I will miss him holding my hand during our daily feedings- even though he sometimes tries to be independent and hold the bottle himself. 

Stop trying to grow up so quickly, Coop!

I will miss hearing him tell me stories all day long. 

Such a happy baby in the morning (well, always)!

I will miss watching him stretch really big when he wakes up from all of his naps! 

Big stretches!

I will miss snuggling with both of my boys  all day long. 

My boys. My other boy was taking the picture.

I will miss hanging out with captain calamari and coop! 

Snapchatting with Coop.

I will miss our daytime shopping trips and errands! 

That belly.

I will miss the sound of his piano playing while I am in the kitchen doing dishes or stretching out next to him. 

Coop looking at himself in the mirror.

Simply put, I will miss spending each and every day "at home" with my littlest, best friend. 

Little brother.

The best part of my day.

Stinky feet!


Coop looks like an alien!

This smile. He is the sweetest.

Family stroll!

This smile. This face. I adore him.

SO handsome!

Family picture at Thanksgiving!

My handsome boys

Cooper made 2013 the best year of my life. And every year I continue to spend with him will continue to touch my heart and fill my life with so much happiness and love. I'm so blessed and lucky to have Cooper as my son. 

Much love, 

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