
Friday, November 22, 2013

Advocare 24-Day Challenge: Progress Report

As you probably know from following my blog, I gained nearly 50 lbs while pregnant with Cooper. Everyone kept telling me I was all belly- but let's me real, I didn't deliver a 50 lb baby (thank goodness - that's like a four year old or something!!).

40 weeks pregnant!

I stayed very active throughout my pregnancy, but my eating habits weren't the best! I mean, you guys know how much I loved my tater tots. 

The day I had Coop! 40 weeks, 4 days pregnant!

Now my little man was worth every lb and every stretch mark I gained. I wouldn't trade him for the world! And Justin and I have quickly started calling my stretch marks "beauty marks." 

"Because (the stretch marks) are proof that you carried and delivered our son...and that's such a beautful thing," Justin told me once as I cried over my new body. 

But I quickly realized I needed to make changes for my health- I want to spend as much as time possible on this earth with my family! 

The ORIGINAL birth announcement!

Right after I had Cooper, I still looked about 4 months pregnant. 

Post-baby hospital mirror selfie...what did you expect!?
Of course I would do this...

And within a week, I had lost about 20 lbs! 

One week post-baby!

But I still had a long way to go! 

And I had a laundry list of goals and dreams ahead of me - so I started the 24-day challenge! 

My experience has been wonderul! I lost 5 lbs within the first 48 hours of the cleanse. The fiber drink is not the that delicious, but it gets the job done! So I started my job chugging that, drinking my meal replacement shake, and enjoying spark - my new fav obsession!!! 

I bounced around a lot in the cleanse phase. I had a few cheat moments when I snuck in dairy or had a piece of chocolate. But I just took bites - I didn't binge eat or let one bad meal result in a full day of bad eating! 

Spark and the advocare supplements give me the energy and nutrients to feel full, balanced, and refreshed. I don't crave fast food or fried food anymore. In fact, we only ate out once so far! And I ordered a grilled chicken with a boat load of veggies! I felt great and stayed full all night long! 

I still have five days left in the max phase and I feel great! 

The challenge has helped me make healthier decisions. 

Inspired me to put my health over my cravings. 

Taught me to eat for fuel - not pleasure. 

Given me the energy to hit the gym hard and tone up my body! 

I don't eat my emotions anymore. I don't binge eat when no one is looking.

I have such a healthy and responsible relationship with food now. 

And the advocare team and products have certainly helped me get to this healthy state of mind! 

I won't tell you how much weight I've lost yet. 

I will let the pictures do the talking instead! 

I fit into my wedding ring again: 

I DO love my wedding ring.
Justin picked it out all on his own too - he has great taste!

I fit into real jeans again ( aka pre-baby jeans that have buttons): 

This was amazing until I ripped these pants.
To be fair, a rip was already there...I just fueled the fire by bending over to get Coop!

I've hit the gym 3-5 times a week, which is great for being a new mom!!! 

Workout buddies.

I am fitting into my "skinny" workout clothes again: 

November 2012 (pre-pregnancy) vs. November 2013 (post-baby).

And I am losing inches and toning up like a boss: 

Right = 18 days on The Challenge

Right = 18 days on The Challenge

I feel amazing.

I am on the right path toward health and happiness. 

But simply sharing a number on a scale wouldn't be as powerful as sharing these pictures and little success stories.

Success and happiness are not always about a number. And thanks to my husband- I am inspired  to keep hitting new milestones and creating new goals at the gym! He has encouraged me to get back to my active lifestyle - he's my biggest fan and the best personal chef. 

My other better half.

As for Coop, all he needs to do is smile and I am inspired to never give up! 

My whole heart.

And Bandit is still the best running partner in the world! 

My fur son is the best running buddy!

And as for you - my lovely blog reader - you help keep me accountable and inspired! Each positive comment and story you share with me gives me inspiration to keep fighting toward my goals. You're the best - thanks for always cheeringe on!!! 

Much love, 

P.S. If you want to learn more about Advocare, check out my personal page here:

Send me a message to tell me more about your goals and challenges - I can help you purchase the 24-Day Challenge or build your own bundle of products to support your goals and lifestyle! GOOD LUCK!

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